“Ban” Francisco Votes on The Geller Rule Today – IOTW Report

“Ban” Francisco Votes on The Geller Rule Today

Spencer, Geller and AFDI’s truths are so threatening to San Francisco they are considering cutting off a financial stream and banning all political ads.

San Francisco’s problem is that to comply with the 1st amendment they can’t pick and choose what to run, they must accept it all.

So when Islam runs their crock of sh*t propaganda, and AFDI responds, San Francisco goes through contortions to finds ways to disallow the counter argument.

Knowing that they don’t have a leg to stand on, they are using the “nuclear option.”

If they vote to pull all ads, I say, “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.”

AFDI spent lots of money countering CAIR/ISLAM/ISIS propaganda. This would take San Francisco off the strategy board in the AFDI war room.


12 Comments on “Ban” Francisco Votes on The Geller Rule Today

  1. Could not help but note a stellar comment on the San Fran Examiner article:

    “Islam is an awful religion (with Christianity and Judaism not far behind), it would be best if we didn’t let any religious people into our country.”

    Yep, lump all Christians and Jews in with Muslims as we are all considered by atheists to be the scourge of the earth.

    Stupidity is the big threat that faces us, and is growing stronger every day.

  2. The problem is that people keep associating Islam with Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism….etc.

    Properly, it should be discussed with Marxism, Communism, Fascism….etc.

    You know, like other POLITICAL systems.

    Islam, not being a religion, shouldn’t be protected by the 1st Amendment.

  3. When karl marx is walking around in Hell and he realizes how accepting the useful idiots are with islam being accepted as a religion of peace he must kick himself in the ass with flaming boots at his opportunity missed.

  4. @Fritz the Cat April 4, 2017 at 3:46 pm

    “it would be best if we didn’t let any religious people into our country.”

    Finally! A proglodyte I can agree with!

  5. That’s all fine and dandy, but we have laws that dictate separation of church and state that muzzies routinely ignore and flaunt while giving the West the finger! Stop the government financing of these murdering muzlims and start enforcing the laws we have on the books!

  6. Rat Fink,

    Where in the Constitution does it mention separation of church and state?

    It’s a manufactured misnomer just like the term “assault weapon”, all invented by the democrats to further the progtard, anti-everything traditional America agenda.

  7. @BFH: I’m pretty sure San Francisco doesn’t have to worry about the First Amendment (unless of course, they have some comparable State law).

    “Amendment I

    Congress* shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    (* – emphasis mine)

  8. Someone needs to take a really huge ‘SawZall” to California’s borders and let it float off into the Pacific. Maybe the extremely large number of illegals, libs and fruits’n’nuts will cause it to tip over? (Special thanks to Rep. Hank Johnson!)

  9. Fritz the Cat,
    My reply to the “Examiner” (examining what?) commenter, “When was the last time you heard of a Christian or Jew sawing the heads off people they disagreed with their religion, or did a a mass shooting “just because”.”

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