Send This To A Prog Today – IOTW Report

Send This To A Prog Today

A very, very well made short video detailing the dangerous mindset of a progressive.

It explains why they think the way they do and why they should stop thinking the way they do.

At its core it is a dangerous character flaw, not a thought-out worldview based on dissemination of evidence.

It is made by a former citizen of a communist nation.

ht/ NM


10 Comments on Send This To A Prog Today

  1. I don’t have any progressive friends or contacts, even, with any progressive acquaintances, or I’d send this along. I will share it with other conservatives so that they can add to their ammo.

    (I don’t waste my time talking to those people anymore.)

  2. Good video with good points.

    “Americans don’t understand the deviousness that can be borne in the mind of man living in a true backward society.”

    And so we let the deviousness in, soon we will understand.

  3. I also abandoned liberals I once considered friends. Couldn’t stand that all we could talk about was the weather. Talking philosophy was verboten.

    What’s the point?

  4. This video *speaks* to me.
    But then, I’m a 1st Gen American.

    I suspect any “typical” American – Left or Right – will be DEAF to most of this…EVEN THOUGH those at iOTWr on the Right *INTUITIVELY* connect with the video’s message.

    Though I don’t claim to *know* what WILL “reach” most Americans, this video needs to show the CONSEQUENCES…both the daily numbing and overall deadly results…of what the Left promotes.

    (I’m screaming inside, because I know)

  5. I don’t usually waste a lot of time trying to figure out what motivates peoples actions. I do with progressives for some reason. I guess it’s important to know your enemy. This guy brings up some really good points. I wonder what his reasoning is for the increasing violence of the progressives would be. Maybe it falls under that Crack Cocaine analogy. Very good clip.

  6. And there was the white woman in DC on 9/12/2009 who objected to my homemade sign which was pretty cool. It was a big image of obama with a move able mouth and it said IF HIS LIPS ARE MOVING…HE’S LYING.

    She rode up on her bicycle and told me I should be ashamed of myself. I asked her why. She promptly pedaled off. That’s what leftism is. Angry fucks who hate challenges to authority when they’re in charge.

    There were other visits to Washington that were similar in nature. Make a sign. Act up a little and people got in your chili.

    I miss fucking with these people. I know. In a duel with the unarmed it’s just not fair.

  7. “Obama was the Great Normalizer. He made real the self-aggrandizing fiction inside the Progressive heart. And now that he’s gone, we see them foaming at the mouth. Withdrawal from drugs is never pretty.”

    Absolutely Brilliant

    Thank you Mr. Atbashian …. for this & everything else you contribute to the idea of the United States of America

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