The post asked “How Lazy Are You”? – Could easily be “How Progressive Are You? – IOTW Report

The post asked “How Lazy Are You”? – Could easily be “How Progressive Are You?

So, what’s the most progressive (lazy) thing you’ve ever done?

36 Comments on The post asked “How Lazy Are You”? – Could easily be “How Progressive Are You?

  1. Not sure this qualifies – Was traveling with a group of about 45 people. We stopped at Taco Bell to eat. Everyone got in line and I was at the end. After about 10 minutes of standing there I hopped in the church van and went through the drive-through, got served promptly. Took my food in, sat down and ate.

  2. Taught the dog to pick up her own stinkin’ toys. Yes, the initial expenditure of energy was a pain, but I’m too dang tired at the end of the day to pick up after her. Let her earn her keep.

  3. I will be the first to admit I am lazy, but I have never been THAT lazy. And I work hard ~50 hours a week so it’s usually more tired than lazy. Something tells me the people above are most likely unemployed.

  4. Taught my dog to exercise himself. I only utter one word and he runs around the yard circling the house at top speed barking his fool head off. What’s the magic word?


  5. I have a phrase that my wife is sick of hearing: “Everything I do is so that one day I can be lazy.” After 10 years, she has learned to respond, “But you’re lazy now!” My response? “I’m trying, and some things are already done!”

  6. Doesn’t matter – you had to hit one key. It wasn’t one keystroke less. Same amount of effort!

    One tap of the space bar will do your post.

    I selected the whole post. One space was there.


  7. B_B No idea what’s going on with that. I know for sure I posted a comment yesterday that disappeared, too. Somethings awry.

    But, that doesn’t have anything to do with Vv’s and my little fun here, though.

  8. I don’t get it ……. whas rong wit bein lazy?
    Thas Y I want inot politics ……..

    An tok bout lazy! Barry don’t even squirm when Reggie fukz im in tha ass! Yu shud see em! Like Reggie’s fukkin a overcoat …. uhh .. not sposed two tok bout Barry and Reggie …….. sorry …..

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