Tommy Robinson Confronts Twitter Troll – IOTW Report

Tommy Robinson Confronts Twitter Troll

A kid calls for Tommy Robinson’s death on Twitter.

Robinson finds him.

It goes about how you would think.

The keyboard warrior stutters and stammers and pretty much is a vapid shell with no real world answers for his “tweeting drivel.”

He thinks Robinson disparages billions for the actions of a few, you know, how Black Lives Matter disparages every police officer for the actions of a few.

15 Comments on Tommy Robinson Confronts Twitter Troll

  1. Tommy is on to something. Dig just one layer beneath the surface of the insults and accusations, and what you find is a know-nothing who is shocked at being challenged. Sometimes that challenge makes the know-nothings think; sometimes it makes them hate you. Either way, it’s good.

    I outed myself to a neighbor before the election when I challenged her on her ridiculous assertion that Trump was unfit to be president because he is so “crude,” and that “only white, uneducated people would vote for him.” I responded, “Oh, you mean white, uneducated people like me?” That lead to a long talk, but she has not talked to me since. Avoids me like the plague. If I’d known that outing myself would get her to quit talking to me, I’d have done it sooner 😉

  2. @Tired Mom:

    In early January, at a gathering with my wife and her lib friends, one guy entered the party saying “You watch, as soon as Trump is inaugurated, this country will become a police state.”

    I countered quickly with “Do you really believe that?”

    “Yes, don’t you?”

    “I don’t believe that for a single minute.”

    End of conversation. Like you, haven’t heard from him since. I saw him last Saturday and gave him a big hug.

  3. Wow! Good on Tommy. I haven’t heard stuttering and stammering at that level, since Obama’s teleprompters nervous breakdown. Wish more of these “brave” Twitter twats and keyboard warriors would have an eye opening experience. Though, I’m not sure what it’s going to take to get their brain engaged before their mouth joins the party.

  4. What amazes me is that these young people who have experienced NOTHING and studied NOTHING and have no clue about history or what is going on outside their own neighborhood, think they know absolutely EVERYTHING.

  5. I think Tommy handled it extremely well. Nothing mean or confrontational and while the kid was extremely uncomfortable, Tommy was just direct, nothing more.

    People need to understand that individuals with a little determination and investigation can track down almost anyone on the internet. Granted if you’re using a TOR browser through a VPN from a public library wifi hookup it’s harder, but most keyboard warriors are on their iPhone while sitting on the couch. Once I have your name and IP address, I can almost always track someone down by social media and the good old phone book.

    Case in point, I know someone with a pseudonym who is a published author. That got their name cracked through the publishing records. It’s not hard and there are bad people out there. The kind of people who think it’s “Funny” to SWAT you.

    Always be careful.

  6. Tommy’s research into the demographics was wise.

    I think it’s a major reason people like the kid don’t get it.

    They’re insulated from the problems they help create.

  7. Snowflakes are comfortable and that makes them feel superior and magnanimous concerning Islamic hordes they consider victims of the “system”. The very “system” that promotes; diverse markets, free enterprise, capitalism, sanitation, superior healthcare, civil rights and individualism, they rely on while delighting in their socialistic fantasies. You have to be naive, clueless and extremely self-centered to be that stupid.

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