LAUNCH: Mitch McConnell Just Turned The Nuclear Key On Gorsuch – IOTW Report

LAUNCH: Mitch McConnell Just Turned The Nuclear Key On Gorsuch

DC: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell triggered the so-called “nuclear option” Thursday morning, ensuring Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to succeed the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court.

The procedural maneuvering necessary to break the Democratic filibuster started at 11 a.m. Thursday, when a petition to end debate on Gorsuch’s nomination was filed, which began in the chamber Tuesday.

The ensuing cloture vote, or vote to end debate and move the nomination, requires the support of 60 senators. Democrats marshaled enough support to sustain a filibuster on a 55-45 vote. Four Democratic senators including Sens. Joe Manchin, Joe Donnelly, Michael Bennet and Heidi Heitkamp joined 51 Republicans to end debate, five short of the 60 votes necessary under normal rules. McConnell voted with Democrats for procedural purposes.

Thereafter, McConnell called a “point of order,” an objection provided in parliamentary rules, and called to end debate on the Gorsuch nomination, under the precedent set by former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who abolished the filibuster for lower court nominees in 2013. That motion was denied by GOP Sen. Deb Fischer, who was acting as the Senate’s presiding officer, on the basis that it did not apply to Supreme Court nominations.

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12 Comments on LAUNCH: Mitch McConnell Just Turned The Nuclear Key On Gorsuch

  1. As much as I wish I could give kudos/credit to McConnell for this – being the head of the Senate and all – I think it’s more accurate to point out that A) cowards tend to fall in line when they know their own a§$ is on the line, and B) even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  2. Did Mitch do that willingly? Or is Rand poking him in the back with something pointy urging him forward? While whispering into his ear, better grow a pair. They both have a serious look on their face.

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