Fake News Aficionado Newsman Dan Rather Steps in it Again – IOTW Report

Fake News Aficionado Newsman Dan Rather Steps in it Again

DMF: Dan Rather, who is famous for quiting getting canned as the anchor of “CBS Evening News” in 2004 after airing and refusing to walk back his “fake news” about George W. Bush, has been caught up in a “Lyin’ Brian Willams” type episode. This time it’s about his last published book, “Rather Outspoken: My Life in the News,” which features an image of Rather as a Marine. Rather apparently supplied the image to the publisher, which shows him in Marine dress blues and the famous white saucer cap, with the caption, “As a young Marine.”

Only he wasn’t. He washed out of boot camp while trying to become a Marine.  read more

18 Comments on Fake News Aficionado Newsman Dan Rather Steps in it Again

  1. Too damn bad the book was published in 2012 as most copies are now in a landfill somewhere. Still, I bet the next time old Dan “What’s the frequency Kenneth” Rather takes a shot at Trump, his twitter reply could contain a reference to Dan’s Marine career.

  2. funny how all liberals decry the military but are so quick to claim some sort of false valor from it.

    rather was lying again, sure, if his lips were moving.

  3. Poor dumb SOB knew that he could never be a Paratrooper so he tried to become a pantywaist Marine and couldn’t even do that! what a loser! That puts him in league with asswipe pretend Marine, Hillary (but at least she dodged sniper fire)!

  4. Question: Why is courageous Dan so willing to go on some news/interview shows to promote himself and his book, and so afraid to go on others?

    Answer: Because he knows the leftist shill shows will completely ignore the whole fake document episode, and others will actually ask him pointed questions about the faked documents for the first time in now 13 years.

  5. During the Vietnam war, Rather asked a few soldiers to fire their weapons at nothing. Just fire them as he ducked for cover. He used the film and portrayed himself as being embedded with the military in a firefight with the VC. Lying POS.


    Brian Williams remembers Dan Rather from his Boot Camp Platoon.

    Both were credited for saving the life of two sand fleas. Unfortunately both would be reporters were injured when the medivac helicopter was downed by islamic terrorist sand fleas.
    They were released from boot camp, never to become Marines.

  7. Why doesn’t this closet commie just go away and die? Why is he still getting in front of the cameras? He’s got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. At this point, what difference does it make? Do the country a favor, you bitter old traitor. Drop dead.

  8. if the Mainstream Media weren’t such blatant hypocrite Leftists, they would be sticking to this Stolen Valor story like a tick on a Coonhound’s neck.

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