Story Mash Up: Liz Warren Giving Clowns A Bad Name – IOTW Report

Story Mash Up: Liz Warren Giving Clowns A Bad Name


Guy Benson wrote a nice piece yesterday on the clownish behavior of Massachusetts’s own Senator Liz Warren. At the same time professional clowns are complaining that the remake of Steven King’s “It” is causing racist-like reactions to real clowns.

Let’s see, a New England congress critter that dwells in the swamps of D.C. and flings feces at every opportunity vs. a fictional clown that lives in sewers of the New England town of Derry and terrorizes a group of outcast kids.  Yeah, there’s definitely a link there.

Clownish Warren Here

The NewPennywise (that you hardly see in the trailer)  Here

6 Comments on Story Mash Up: Liz Warren Giving Clowns A Bad Name

  1. Congress will have the professional clowns write legislation for Congress to pass. Congress will provide the clowns extra rights and privileges as another “protected class” in the US.

    Naturally, the Clowns in Congress will be included as a protected class.

  2. Ok, let’s get this straight, Schmuckles and
    Warren are ASS-Clowns and deserve to be dragged
    karma’d the phock out.

    Real clowns I hate, just because.

    Pennywise scared the fock out of me as a teen
    and I’m a King fan. Another good read is
    Ghost Story.

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