Russia Calls U.S. Strike on Syria ‘Act of Aggression’, Suspends Deconfliction Deal – IOTW Report

Russia Calls U.S. Strike on Syria ‘Act of Aggression’, Suspends Deconfliction Deal


MOSCOW — Russia reacted strongly to America’s missile strike on Syria early Friday, calling it an “act of aggression” and suspending an agreement that prevents direct conflict between U.S. and Russia forces in the region.

The launch of 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles was an “egregious and obvious violation of international law that cannot be justified,” its foreign ministry said in a statement.

It called for an emergency U.N. Security Council meeting “to discuss” the response.

President Vladimir Putin also believes the response will further harm relations between Washington and Moscow, his spokesman Dmitry Peskov told local news agencies.

Russia — the main ally of Syria’s President Bashar Assad — announced the suspension of the so-called “deconfliction” agreement that prevents U.S. fighter jets coming into conflict with Russian counterparts in the region.A defense ministry spokesman took a swipe at the U.S. action. Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said “the combat efficiency of the U.S. strike was very low.”

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was due to travel to Moscow next week for talks.

Leonid Slutsky, head of Russia’s State Duma International Affairs Committee, said the meeting would go ahead as planned. “I don’t think this will impact Tillerson’s visit, we need to restore dialogue,” he said, according to Interfax.

“We should welcome Tillerson, exchange views and try and talk sense into Washington. That’s much better than hiding behind walls.”

14 Comments on Russia Calls U.S. Strike on Syria ‘Act of Aggression’, Suspends Deconfliction Deal

  1. BREAKING: Sweden just got a Truck IED Manned Cruise Missle‎ – 21 minutes ago
    A truck has ploughed into a department store in Sweden’s capital Stockholm

  2. oh look, obama and clinton have been caught politicizing intelligence and we cannot contain the information any longer, let’s get trump to bomb something and distract the brain dead from the treason.
    don’t pay attention to your government spying on private individuals against the law but pay attention to the booger man in Syria gassing his subjects.

  3. Putin is just jealous that Trump is upstaging him in a YUGE! way. Putin was carving out quite a comfy space for himself on the world stage; seen as someone tough, strong and resolute. And, compared to The Won, he was, for good or ill.

  4. Bill,
    Do you think we are all so completely brain-addled that we cannot walk and chew gum at the same time?

    Major events do not happen one at a time. That has never been the way of the world. I think we thinking humans are more than capable of holding two separate issues in our heads simultaneously.

  5. no dianny,

    I think this is a distraction from the treason of the past administration.
    just another standard play out of the elite play book
    and it works on a lot of people.

    “quit looking at the man behind the curtain”

    I like trump but I don’t think this is beyond the efforts of those in power to stay in power.
    I don’t want trump or the usa sucked into anymore neocon central bankers wars.

  6. Abigail – it’s not trump I worry about it’s the rest of the entrenched ruling elite.

    haven’t we just watched the rule of law be discarded when it came to the ruling elite like hillary and obama?
    now all of a sudden because trump is potus the republic is secure once again?

    this fight has just been engaged and will last for a long time.
    we have not won the war yet but we are starting to win some of the battles.
    mine is criticism and cautious skepticism of the established ruling class and not of trump.

  7. Come on… This isn’t 1962. Syria ain’t Cuba and no one is going to pull the nuclear trigger unless it’s that crazy shit bird in North Korea. Syria is a hot mess but potentially not as bad as what is happening in East Asia. The Norks and their nuclear wet dreams, Chinese aggressive expansion, Japan getting all Japanese over the Norks… We could be in a shooting war very quickly over there if some Chinese boat jockey decides he has to save face and throws a torpedo at some one. And some noodle sucking asshole will do it. We already lost an Orion over there (we should have bombed the shit out of the airbase they forced it to land in).

  8. I hate it when this happens, planning shit like the missile strike is hard, real hard.
    You don’t drop a quarter into the slot and the game loads.
    Thanks to ex-President O’Baja, the dominoes were all stacked on the red line, all that was needed was somebody with the balls to kick them over.
    So, thanks to O’Baja, Prez. Trump looks like Johnny on the spot. They got more stuff ready, count on it.
    Hate having to thank him.

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