Wisconsin’s Teachers Union Shriveling Up – IOTW Report

Wisconsin’s Teachers Union Shriveling Up

They shut down their schools to protest, they took over the state capital building, their political guard dogs flew to the state to try to protect them, but Act 10 passed anyway in Wisconsin. Five years later and the teachers union is down to a third of its size and generating $3 million less in revenue for itself.  Of course, when the union can’t force members of the profession to pay dues anymore then its real value to those it seeks to represent becomes clear.


10 Comments on Wisconsin’s Teachers Union Shriveling Up

  1. I’m all for private-employee unions that actually represent their members’ wants and needs, if the employees want to support them financially. I have struggled to find any recently that do so. Government-employee unions are a huge issue, as they usually end up in collusion with their supposed opponents – city councils and other legislative bodies who just approve raises without fiscal constraint.

  2. No, Groucho. The children may actually benefit. Unions work to keep bad teachers in the classroom, along with promoting ridiculous initiatives like common core.

    The good and great teachers may actually be able to rise to a level of higher pay than they can attain under the union rules if the deadwood can be ousted.

  3. The union has caused Wisconsin children to get less than adequate education. Also the FEDS need to get tid of the Dept. of Education, a gift from Jimmy Carter, to insure teachers vote for him.

  4. I looked at the chart attached to the article and it is a shame that there are states where the unions are growing. In Alabama (we’re number 1 in membership losses!), they backed losing Democrats but 6 years ago they got a “Republican” in their pocket. We have open primaries (I hate that) so they got him on the ballot. So we all held our noses and voted for him. If you want interesting reading, you need to read about our governor Bentley–the “love gov” On second thought–don’t read about him, it is nasty and he is in his 70s. Hopefully he will be impeached and then hopefully off to jail.

  5. Hmmm, never found a union that was worth two shits. Didn’t
    need one either.
    My dad was forced to pay in the ’70s as a cabinet maker.
    Only thing that got him was a phucking Christmas ham each

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