A call by the left to legitimize stupidity – IOTW Report

A call by the left to legitimize stupidity

“Just because you speak a different way doesn’t mean you’re not smart.”

That is true. But if you speak stupidly it means you’re not smart. Ebonics is mumble-moufed stupidity.

Warning: the bigotry of low expectations just ahead—-

Daily Caller-

An undergraduate researcher at the University of Wisconsin–Madison has gained national acclaim for her research showing, she says, that members of minority groups feel oppressed by standard, grammatical English.

The researcher is Erika Gallagher, reports The Daily Cardinal, the student newspaper on the taxpayer-funded campus.

Members of minority groups feel especially marginalized because of “code switching,” Gallagher’s research found.

To avoid any hurt feelings some people may feel by attempting to speak standard, correct English, Gallagher wants to eradicate the stigma associated with Ebonics — or African–American Vernacular English, a nonstandard dialect of English spoken by some black people.

“I want to center the voices of the people who need to be centered,” Gallagher, a participant in the UW-Madison writing fellows program, told The Daily Cardinal. “As a white-passing person, I have a lot of power and privilege that should be shared.”

Ultimately, she explained, she wants to expand her research and eventually create a nonprofit group which urges teachers across the United States “to be more accepting” and to present their classes with disclaimers urging students to speak using the language which makes the students most comfortable.

Read more: 

Of course. It’s all about the comfort level of morons.

If they aren’t comfortable they may get violent.



25 Comments on A call by the left to legitimize stupidity

  1. This researcher is incredibly racist and may as well exchange her business garb with a white sheet and pointy hat. For decades one of the cornerstones of apartheid in South Africa was the official policy (the law actually) that denied an English or Afrikaans education to blacks in that sad country. The only education they could get was in whatever their native tongues was (Bantu, Swahili whatever) which effectively cut them out of English/afrikaans dominated culture, commerce, education, science, law well just about everything and made sure that they could only get menial jobs on the periphery of South African society speaking some sort of pidgin English. For this woman to try to promote, in any way, this same sort of apartheid in America today is disturbing at best and well worth a call to those level headed fellows at #BlackLivesMatter.

  2. 1. The researcher is a college junior so she wasn’t even born the last time all this Ebonics nonsense was being pushed by schools.

    2. From the article: [The researcher] talked to UW-Madison student leaders from marginalized groups and asked how they felt about code switching. She said all three overwhelmingly said it felt oppressive—one said “it is the biggest form of cognitive dissonance that exists.”

    What was that quote again from the member of the marginalized group member that she interviewed??? Seems like not only do they not need to speak Ebonics, but they are capable of speaking better than average English.

  3. We should take this opportunity to convince these people that what they really need are their own, racially segregated, schools and communities.

    Get them to demand these things. We can then, ‘begrudgingly,’ give in to their quite reasonable demands.

  4. Go ahead and cry racism. At the end of the day, is your life better? Of course not. Time to stop being a talker and start being a doer. Just make sure that the doing is positive.

  5. Language and articulation testing in the public schools allows for dialects. The “differences” are not errors, and scoring is adjusted. Grammar and pronunciation in the classroom can reflect the dialect spoken in the home, without correction. It’s been like this for years. Standard American English is dying, thanks to the multicultural approach to education.

  6. Go to any European country…..

    You can actually understand European blacks because they speak English….

    In America….. Not so much….

    I think that blacks purposely use “ebonics” around whites in America because…..

    They don’t want to be understood and to dig at yt.

  7. Anybody ever go to a BBQ in Hawaii and watch a group
    of locals trying to have a conversation and it just
    melt into the most pigeon speaking hilarity ever? They
    couldn’t even understand each other, LOL.

  8. Yo, yo, yo, muthuhfuckuh! SeawatIamsain? It beezlike, shit, dawg, y’no?
    Han dem doe do summuthuhfukkin shit be disrespekin? I poppa capin yo ass!

    Just doesn’t have the same lilt as Kipling’s cockney – or Scott’s highland.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. As a teacher, I went to a meeting where they told me that black slang is consistent in pronunciation and grammar with languages from the East African areas from whence their ancestors were brought.

    My first thought was about the Raymond Chandler novels I’d read. Back in the 30’s and 40’s, blacks conjugated the verb “to be” as “I is, you is, he is, they is,” yet now they say “I be, you be, he be, they be.” When did this change?

    My second thought was, how could they maintain consistent pronunciation and grammar with a language they have never heard for FIVE generations? I know 3rd generations German-Americans in Wisconsin who speak with thick German accents–even though they don’t actually speak German, but this is ridiculous.

  10. @CC – Yes, but I’d still rather hear somebody say I seen something when he saw something than to hear him say I saw something when he ain’t seen nothin’ !!!

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