Louis C.K. Says Abortion is Murder – IOTW Report

Louis C.K. Says Abortion is Murder

Louis C.K., a comedian not that well-liked by the right, breaks down the abortion debate to its essence. He does it in a comedic way, and he sort of stumbles into some of the best counter-arguments against the left’s indefensible position.

Louis says abortion is either killing a baby, or it’s taking a sh!t. (Just shedding cells from your body.) He says there is no middle ground. It’s one or the other.

It’s not “sort of like killing a baby.”

It’s not “sort of like taking a sh!t.”

Ultimately, in a slow rendering, he admits that it’s killing a baby. (But he also says he thinks women should be able to murder their babies.” A line that gets a huge laugh from the audience.)

Another point he makes, which isn’t in this clip, is about the left’s mantra that abortions should be “legal, safe and rare.”

He scoffs at the logic, saying that “if it’s legal, why should it be rare?”

He’s right. If it’s like taking a sh!t, why should it be rare?

Because the left knows it is killing a baby, that’s why they add the “rare” part.

More HERE.

18 Comments on Louis C.K. Says Abortion is Murder

  1. did this lib forget to take his happy pills on this day ? a moment of clarity of thought, say it isn’t so.

    hits the nail on the head about abortion being murder then dismisses it as being ok. typical liberal logic.

  2. The people behind abortion have never been under any illusions what abortion actually is and does. What’s the whole point of abortion? TO NOT END UP WITH A LIVE BABY THAT YOU HAVE CONCEIVED. Only the most simple-minded, soon to be guilt-racked women buy the PR that it’s not really a baby.

    The pagan priests who placed live babies onto the red-hot brass hands of their idols knew exactly what they were doing. They supposedly turned their backs on the dying and ordered drums, horns and chanting choirs to drown out the death screams of their sacrificed children. They KNEW what they were doing but tried to evade the knowledge even as they did it.

    Abortionists discuss what to order for lunch while washing up afterward. They are far, far lower than the wickedest pagans.

  3. Planned Parenthood has 68 medical and related affiliates and 101 other affiliates including 34 political action committees, which together operate more than 700 health centers in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. They spend a little over $1 million per year for rented space and own about $54 million in property, including a $26 million, 78,000-square-foot structure in Houston, TX.

    In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, their total revenue was $1.3 billion: non-government health services revenue was $305 million, government revenue (such as Medicaid reimbursements) was $528 million, private contributions totaled $392 million, and $78 million came from other operating revenue.

    That’s an awful lot of investment into something that’s supposed to be “rare”.

  4. I don’t believe the “music” generated at the sacrifices was to get the gods’ attention, as is often said. The people sacrificing their babies may not have wanted to; they were ordered via the leaders who were possessed by the demons the idols represented. It’s entirely possible that most people of the nation didn’t like the practice but had no choice; the “gods” would punish them all if they didn’t comply. An awful, sorrowful thing, hence the noise to drown it out.

    But abortionists and their supporters very much do like the practice. Some think it’s funny to watch ultrasounds of a baby trying to evade forceps.

    God will punish them for it and I can’t wait.

  5. He has to punctuate this observation with a joke.

    If you talk about this subject in a somber tone and reciting the same facts, would be to admit that you’re an awful human being and not much different than a murderer.

    Like the often used catchphrase, abortion actually is For The Children (TM).

    I went to a funeral last week and someone brought a photo album. Looking through the old pictures, I was struck how often the facial expressions, attitudes, demeanor, personality, etc. in those sepia toned children were there all along even when that person was over 60.

  6. I don’t care what truth Louis CK almost stumbled over in his comic meanderings, that guy is a mean spirited son of a bitch and probably the only many I’d take a swing at if I ever ran into him.

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