Everybody is Hitler – Including JC Penney’s Tea Kettle – IOTW Report

Everybody is Hitler – Including JC Penney’s Tea Kettle

21 Comments on Everybody is Hitler – Including JC Penney’s Tea Kettle

  1. Heil Pennys.

    Any of you watch “The Man in the High Tower” on Amazon? Its based in 1964. Germany won and occupies half the US, Japan won the pacific and occupies the other half.

  2. Yep … no doubt about it …
    Rorschach test, anyone?

    Keep seeing that soundless barking Chihuahua in the corner?
    The strange, rumpled-looking man on the couch who disappears when you try to focus on his face?
    Ja! Ja! If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!
    Racists! Everywhere I look! White-privileged racists! There they are! No … those guys actually work for a living … no! … there they are! in Academia! Lily-white guys telling me how downtrodden the negro is … how the negro has no voice! … but the President was a negro … no … a half-negro … THAT doesn’t count! … oh, I’m so confused … Nancy … Nancy … explain it all!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The teensy-weensy spider went up the water spout,
    Down came the Nazis and washed the spider out,
    Out came the Yanks and wiped out all the Nazis,
    So the teensy-weensy spider became a dumb-ass Socialist.

  4. Is this recent? Think I might send them9 some hate mail. Cutting up my card and refusing to shop there after that horriible two moms and two dads ad campaign wasn’t satisfying enough. Thanks, BFH!!

  5. Charlie, read Fatherland by Robert Harris. Excellent book with the same dystopian future scenario of victorious WWII Germany.

    Surprised Penny’s didn’t spot this as easily as everyone else!

  6. @ reddecaesari, obergruppenfuehrer (frikkin huge titles) Smith, played by Rufus Sewell is so sinister. And Frank Frick (what a name) The antique dealer, Childan, that big nose goober(i just want to punch him) Joe Blake actor is a let down though, Tagome is fascinating. Juliana Crane (rit roo!! Ha, cha cha) The period clothing, the more modern German settings vs the slower evolving Japanese territories. Must have had a very large budget for this. Most Sci-Fi is not of this quality.

    Hope season 3 is as interesting.

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