Rush Limbaugh Writes New Ad For United Airlines – IOTW Report

Rush Limbaugh Writes New Ad For United Airlines


If I were the United Airlines CEO, if I was Oscar Munoz, you know what I’d do? I’d run an ad and I would use this video, and I would say:

“Our planes are so good and our flights are so popular, we have to drag people off of ’em.”

ht/ nm

25 Comments on Rush Limbaugh Writes New Ad For United Airlines

  1. Not me pal, I respect authority. Particularly when they have guns. I would however probably need their help getting unwedged from those micro seats they provide you with.

  2. The airlines are pennywise and pound foolish. Offer bumped passengers $1000 cash (not some tawdry voucher), night in a 5-star hotel, 1st class ticket the next day. It would cost them a few nickels but they never would have a problem getting people to surrender a seat and their customers would be happy. Their image w the flying public is crap and they need some good PR. This overbooking crap squeezes and Fs over their passengers like they do not appreciate. Everyone also notices the smaller seats, the smaller bathrooms, the crappier food up front. This would not cost them very much in grand scheme.

  3. United needs to do something like free booze for the next 3 months on all flights. To their customers, it feels like United abuses them and tries to squeeze every last nickel out of them. The airlines also like to pretend that everyone is perfectly happy with the TSA process and moron stairway monitor rejects that treat them like criminals. Oh could you also please turn off that CNN manure in the terminals? I would be psyched to throw a brick through an airport tv monitor tuned into CNN, I cannot tell you how happy that would make me. I don’t know if the American flying public sheep would look at me with drool running down their chin, or give me a standing O.

  4. I want them, in the case of a forced deplaning, to pull the people closest to the door. Don’t dig into the barrel, pull from the top.

    Or better yet, and all I have experience with is don’t let more people on the plane than you have seats for.

    Last minute arrivals at the gate for a full flight ought not expect a seat. Airlines trans ship crews all the damn time. They do it for each other knowing they’ll need the same courtesy.

    This whole episode was a Dick Move.

  5. @Buck Turgidson.

    I used to work at an airport. Ask and that CNN channel will be replaced with a sports channel. May not work at all airports, but it worked where I was at.

  6. CFM, exactly. You know how it goes, sometimes you gotta be at your destination come hell or high water, $2000 cash offer notwithstanding, damn wish I could take you up on that but I can’t. Other times you are flexible and would take the cash and a nice hotel. But they are obsessed with squeezing that last nickel. Maybe this finally has bitten them in the ass and they figure they can live with 18% profit and not 20%. Customer satisfaction is worth a lot, they don’t seem to get it.

  7. I thought Rush’s idea is hilarious! The guy didn’t cooperate. Rule #1, do as your asked. rule #2, don’t get back on the plane, Rule #3, don’t be disrespectful. I don’t care if the guy is a doctor, the guy is nuts!

  8. .. & I think Rush’s ad was hilarious

    this is a private company with strict rule, most dictated by gubmint decree. people need to read the fine print when they buy. United had every right to do what they did. every jackass on Fox is whining for the United CEO’s head … jeez

    or, do people that say they want free markets now want this ‘so-important’ ‘conflict-resolution psychiatrist’ (what irony there!) to dictate seating arrangements by law-suit?

    … I know! let’s throw the peasants off & allow the self-important to stay! how about old people should go first … they’re probably retired anyway … gonna die soon anyway ….


  9. I no longer follow this type of BS. However, my quick perusal when it started said that Untied originally offered 4 people $800 to give up their seats.

    This was to move staff.

    $800 x 4 = $3200

    They could have all been on a bus for far less. That’s how they did it in the olden days!

  10. …. seems that the officer that did the dragging was a Chicago Transportation Cop

    … & the ‘victim’ lost his Dr’s license for over-prescribing psychotropic drugs

    … but blame the ‘Corporation’

  11. United needed to clear seats to get 4 employees from Chicago, IL to Louisville, KY.

    That’s about a 4 hour drive. 5 if you drive like a yankee.

    They could have put these four employees in a rental car, and had them drive, arriving in plenty of time, and for under $200. Instead they took a giant shit in their own corn flakes.

  12. Molon labe – the background of the injured party was not known at the time, nor was it relevant. To try and make it as a “SCORE” point now in order to “justify” his harsh handling is pretty sick.
    The person doing the “re-accommodating” is not pertinent either. United called in the heavy hitters. Obviously United had no problem with it as evidenced by the CEOs original statement the next day. United owns this entire clusterfuck regardless of who initiated the physical act in the aisle.
    Kicking off paying customers (and to the point of knocking unconscious those who object) because of overbooking or to transport last minute staff is the issue (as well as overbooking runway times).
    I find it worthy to repeat – bringing in the victims past to justify the beating is sick, hopefully you aren’t on a committee to determine who receives medical procedures.

  13. I think the employees labor contract says they have to fly, anything over an hour by car(bus, whatever), they can’t do. Dr. Dufuss, you played the available seat lottery, and lost. Man up and get off the plane. Didn’t you read the T&C of your ticket?

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