Republicans Force Cuomo To Tweak His Free College Tuition Plan – IOTW Report

Republicans Force Cuomo To Tweak His Free College Tuition Plan

I lived in New York. I don’t anymore. Why? Among other reasons, my property taxes went through the roof, so I left.

I’ve been to parties with my neighbors where I fantasized about them beingĀ trapped under an oil truck fire. Why?

Because these imbeciles voted for school tax increases year after year after year. There was a provision in the code where the taxes went up anyway if they voted no, raising around 3%. That wasn’t enough. They voted yes to whatever the school asked for, often 8% increases.

When asked why they were so eager to write checks, many of them said they didn’t care what they paid because they wanted nothing but the best for their kids and as soon as their kids were out of high school they would move.

I asked how that did me any good if I wanted to settle into the community for good?

They said they didn’t care. That was my problem, my choice.

One imbecile offered the weak and oft mouthed argument, “don’t you want the kids who live in your community to be highly educated? That helps everyone.”

I pointed out that “our community” was nothing but private houses, with NO apartments or affordable housing.

“Our kids do not move into this town. They move away. So, no, I don’t think I’m getting a return on this investment.”

Enter Cuomo.

After he announced he was planning on giving away tuition to “certain people,” the Republicans forced him to strike a deal with the students.

They have to live in New York for 4 years after graduation, otherwise they have to pay back the “free tuition.”

This is a variation on what I was talking about with my dumbbell neighbors.

Read here.

16 Comments on Republicans Force Cuomo To Tweak His Free College Tuition Plan

  1. This provision will be ignored or selectively enforced. Cold hearted conservatives deny young people their dreams by holding them hostage to an imaginary boundary of a State “border”. Or words to that effect.

  2. We just voted down a local school referendum in this school district. The school admin. wanted $2 mil. a year extra for the next 5 years.

    We only managed to beat it by 50 votes.

  3. well to the best of my knowledge ny state does have a retarded governor.

    I still live there.

    he’s must have ridden the short bus to school and licked the windows while eating his crayons as a child.

    he wanted to be a firetruck when he grew up but settled for governor because it was the family business.

  4. Freaking idiots. NYS pols are driving every productive citizen out of the state and keeping the parasites like they’re some kind of endangered species. We’re vacationing in NC right now and there’s a nice little ranch down the street from my daughter’s. Just the difference in property taxes would pay for half my mortgage. Five grand kids in NY are the only things keeping us there and that could end soon. I’m so disgusted.

  5. well ny states governor is retarded, you know the type, rode the short bus licking the windows while eating his crayons, the 64 count box.

    when he was little he was asked what he wanted to be and he said a firetruck because he could make the siren noise with his mouth.

    he settled for governor because his dad said it was the family business.

  6. I always vote no for every SPLOST or any other sneaky type of tax hike. The government already has enough money, and like other businesses, they should be forced to use it wisely instead of squandering it like drunken sailors. However, every single one that comes up that involves “education” always gets voted in. And once these things get in, they hardly ever get rolled back.

  7. I moved from CA only to find similar insanity here in flyover country. Last election there was a ballot initiative to raise $48 million for public schools, so that there would be “free pre-school.” (Great, the leftists start their brainwashing of your kid at 3 instead of 5.) But $30 million of that does not go to preschool at all; rather, it’s for “unspecified expenses” in the school district. And of course, nothing is free, so property owners will see their taxes go up almost $500 for every $100,000 worth of value in their property. Big businesses are going to pay a lot – that increase will be passed on to the people who buy their products and services, including low-income people who were so jacked to vote yes for the “free” preschool. Fancy homeowners will see a big property tax hike, will bitch about it but they can afford to pay. And people struggling to climb up to the middle class, living in a modest home and barely paying the mortgage (many of whom voted for “free” preschool) are going to shit their pants when they see the upward adjustment in their property taxes.

  8. We have the SAME issue here, but most of us vote NO. Thankfully. The *Education* people come to our doors to talk about revamping the schools to University Grade buildings!! All the bells and whistles. BUT since most of us came to podunk from the City… was say NO everytime it appears on the ballot. And I mean Every. Time., because they can’t take NO. Every election… it’s there. I kid you not.

    Did I mention how many High School students we currently have? … just over 200 total, all four classes. These people are CRAZY!! Leave my podunk alone.

    BEWARE… the new doublespeak is BONDS. Yeah, let foreign Nations buy our debt for new Schools… then guess what… Refugees. That’s what I think. Just vote NO.

  9. So I will graduate from a New York state university with no student loans, and all I gotta do is use Mom and Dad’s address for four years and have them forward my mail to my apartment in Miami. Sweet deal for me.

  10. “There was a provision in the code where the taxes went up anyway if they voted no, raising around 3%.”

    Benny would say (to a beautiful woman), “Isn’t it true that when you say “No”, you mean “Yes”?”

  11. “Iā€™ve been to parties with my neighbors where I fantasized about them being trapped under an oil truck fire.”

    since Leftist libtards hate hydrocarbons of any sort, a more hopeful scenario is they are hang-gliding or kitesurfing and they get mangled by 100 foot long whirling windmill blades after an errant breeze sweeps them into danger.

  12. 50% of starting college students in the NYS system, actually graduate. This is just another gross waste of money and time.

    Also, I worked and paid my way through college. I want a refund from the state.

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