Tanks A Lot – Man Finds Gold Hidden in Iraqi Tank He Acquired on eBay – IOTW Report

Tanks A Lot – Man Finds Gold Hidden in Iraqi Tank He Acquired on eBay

The British guy called the police after he found it. (?????????) The police took it and gave him a receipt.

We’ll wait and see if he gets any of it.


Nick Mead, owner of Tanks-A-Lot and avid heavy vehicle collector, decided to purchase the $37,000 Chinese Type 69 tank after coming across it on eBay. This particular piece was modeled after the Russian T-54, which were sold in the nine year span from 1959-1968. During the Gulf War, Chinese manufacturers produced the tank in bulk and sold many to the Iraqi military during that time. He eventually bartered a retired British Army truck and Abbot self-propelled howitzer to the seller and brought his new piece home.

While disassembling the vehicle for restoration, mechanic Todd Chamberlain alerted Mead that he believed that one of the fuel tanks were filled with guns—a surprisingly-common occurrence when going through old military machinery. Per shop protocol, Mead grabbed a camera to ensure that they were safely covered should they recover any illegal firearms that they would be required to turn over to the police. Instead what the pair found were five gold bars weighing in at a whopping 68.5 pounds, are valued at around $2.4 million, according toThe Sun.

ht/ annie


29 Comments on Tanks A Lot – Man Finds Gold Hidden in Iraqi Tank He Acquired on eBay

  1. What a fucking idiot!

    He should have called Auric Goldfinger to help him smuggle the gold out of the country.

    Nick Mead: “Do you expect me to talk?”
    British Gubment: “No, Mr Mead. I expect you to PAY!”

  2. Maybe part of the gold and cash obozo sent over there.

    So you are allowed to have a personal tank in Britain but not any personal firearms? Especially “illegal firearms”?
    Reefer madness

  3. Somebody would have charged him with illegal smuggling the gold into the UK. Once his helper saw the gold the gig was up, there would be no way that he could have kept this secret, unless the two of them split it 50/50 then agreed to bury it and maybe cash it in in small amounts little by little.

    It would be a lot of work to evade the law and the penalty for getting caught would make the smart move what they ended up doing, involving the authorities.

  4. Sounds like the couple in CA who found all those mint gold coins in coffee cans on their property. Me? No one here will ever know. Finders keepers (unless there is a strong possibility the real owner can be found, quietly.)

  5. The gold in question was acquired through a mutually agreed transaction, where property was exchanged for property. The tank and all components contained therein was his upon the completion of the transaction. He was under no legal obligation to give the gold to anyone, much less the British government.

  6. This is right up there with the dude in Butte who complained about “heavy metals” coming from his faucets.
    He was assured by the Authorities that they would fix the problem, but not to worry, gold flakes weren’t harmful to one’s health.

  7. @TN Tuxedo: Unless there is a provision in British law that makes an exception for stolen property, requiring that it be returned to its owner. We have such laws here, too. Five’ll get you ten that gold was looted from Kuwait during the Gulf War, and if that could be determined, he might not get to keep it.

    P.S. – Anyone with the money to collect tanks and related heavy vehicles would probably not be as devastated as you or I would be if that happened. He’s got to be worth a lot more than that.

  8. $2.4 million? The best this poor sap can expect is the gov’t lets him keep the gold minus taxes. Top bracket in the UK is 50%. The local gov’t probably has income taxes as well. Unless it is obviously blood money, just STFU. He also just screwed up his livelihood, because the cost of used tanks is about to skyrocket. Dumbass.

  9. Interesting find but they will find the true owner, gold bullion in bricks is usually serialized. It will go back to the government of Iraq or Kuwait or Russia or Iran or Saddam’s wife.

    Considering all of the witnesses, the fact that there is a video of the discovery, etc., he would never have been able to hide it.

  10. Sure gold bars are stamped with some art work & serialized, but he could always do what the federal reserve does with gold bars they are storing for other countries. Melt ’em down, cut it with less refined gold and recast it in a different form. D’oh.

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