Russian Foreign Minister Calls Andrea Mitchell Ill-Mannered – IOTW Report

Russian Foreign Minister Calls Andrea Mitchell Ill-Mannered

more at the Free Beacon

ht/ The Big Owe

35 Comments on Russian Foreign Minister Calls Andrea Mitchell Ill-Mannered

  1. I’m thinking the sub context, between the lines of the Russian translation is: I would love for one of my comrades to serve that hag some “hot” tea.

    The sad thing is there is a part of me that would I would love for one of his comrades to serve her some “hot” tea.

    It is at that time I have to remind myself the 1st amendment is like rain and it falls on the wicked as well as the righteous and shrills like Mitchell are just a reminder that we are the most free country on the face of the earth.

  2. That’s our media. Nasty, arrogant, mouthy. THis is Alan Greenspan’s wife. She has no business being there. She got her job through her connections. Typical incompetent shallow arrogant entitled big-mouthed DC liberal who has been coasting through life via connections. couldn’t trust them to get a Starbucks order right.

  3. In the US, or standards of behavior have eroded to the point that we regard as normal shouting questions at people. In Russia, they haven’t.

    Her failure was in not correcting her ignorance of local manners, or worse, not giving a damn.

  4. One day two armed security guards grabbed her and forcibly shoved her out of the room for asking Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir some pointed questions. This cat has nine lives?

  5. Damn.
    Taking care of business, missed all afternoon.
    Got a real organic drop for this one too.
    Andrea ‘Worm Mother’ Mitchell.
    Ah well, then, even more, organic when the time is ripe.
    Whiskey. Whiskey.

  6. Andrea MItchell is a rude obnoxious a hole and she should not be allowed access to events like this. This is not the WH press room where you yell and scream over each other, you are on foreign soil, is it too much to act with some restraint and dignity? She is a classless oaf, as is nearly every person in the major media today save a few like Lou Dobbs. Big mouth, loud, obnoxious, pushy, opinionated, shallow, incompetent useless partisan hacks. A friggin embarassment, what a cretin.

  7. msNBC Rachel Maddow got another Karma shot at 9:23 PM EST while reporting this story.
    Youuuuuuuuuuuu Tuuuuuuuuuuuube
    Hoping an Uploader caught it.
    Today has been a Good Day.

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