Wage Gap – IOTW Report

Wage Gap

The baggage says-

More workplace deaths

More workplace injuries

More overtime

Different career choices

Fewer days off

Less comfortable working conditions


15 Comments on Wage Gap

  1. Can you imagine the angst of these snowflakes if Trump suddenly decided to Make America Great Again by mandating a minimum of 2 years military service from everyone of fighting age?

    Most millennial’s would flee to Canada.

    Thus, problem solved.

  2. I work with a perfectly nice gal who is our dept secretary. Does a great job.

    Misses so many days.

    Usually due to her kids or having a cold or whatever.

    Wage gap is a myth.

  3. Supply – Demand
    Effort – Output
    Throw in Affirmative Action – and, well – everything gets so muddied up …
    The fact is that our economy is complete fantasy.
    Mostly fantasy, to be fair – there are still Mechanics, Truck Drivers, EMTs, Plumbers, Electricians, HVACs, Carpenters, and various others who do actual work, but a great deal is “make-work” of paper shufflers, mid-managers, HRMD parasites, lawyers, pill-pushers, accountants, “teachers,” counselors, social service maggots, bureaucrats, &c.

    The facts are difficult enough to find and the truth is hidden.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. When a male employee becomes a father, he works harder to make more money to take care of his child.

    When a female employee becomes a mother, she takes (often paid) maternity leave from which she may not return, and even if she does return, she’ll be working less hours and with less effort.

  5. Menotu, I am personally glad there are women who like being women and especially the subset of those that also like men.

    I don’t completely understand why they like men, especially when some men denigrate them so much, but I am thankful they do.

    Vive la différence!

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