4 Door Coup – IOTW Report

4 Door Coup

A dog escaped a boarding kennel by opening 4 doors. Could this end well?

18 Comments on 4 Door Coup

  1. I guess he gets his own beers out of the fridge.

    Now Mom knows where those leftovers are going. All this time she’s been blaming Junior. “But Mom. I didn’t eat the leftover pork chops.”

  2. Bogey the wonder Lab can open every door in the house and jump up and open the latches on the side gates and push them open. Needless to say we’ve added a few locks in the house. Some of them actually face the improper direction on the door. But he can’t turn those little locks. Yet.

  3. One evening, I opened the fridge door too fast and a
    long neck fell out and exploded.
    Dog runs over to see what it was and starts lapping up
    the beer.
    From that night on, he would do whatever he could to
    topple beers left on end tables or within reach of his
    snout. I finally started filling a frisbee for him and
    he stopped. Oh well…..

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