Now Bring in the Father of All Bombs – IOTW Report

Now Bring in the Father of All Bombs

And then the brother of all bombs, the sister of all bombs, the cousin of all bombs, the niece of all bombs, the redheaded stepchild of all bombs…

First Reports Coming Out of Afghanistan: MOAB Killed 100 ISIS Fighters

ht/ c. steven tucker

44 Comments on Now Bring in the Father of All Bombs

  1. They said it was tested only once in 2003. But records indicate the mother of all bombs was also successfully deployed during the election cycles of 2008 and 2016 with code name Hillary.

  2. I’d like to think that every tax dollar I ever paid in my lifetime went to pay for the development and deployment of that strike. I highly approve of this expenditure.

  3. Ya know, after what that gay, light in the loafers, treasonous, bone smoking Kenyan commie, former CiC did to the military the last 8 years, the military needs to blow up tons a shit and kill gajillions of bad guys to vent all their frustrations. So what if Obama has to go to 900 gay funerals where they roast camels in sheep dung, or maybe they roast sheep in camel dung.

  4. Sorry guys, better take that link with a grain of salt. The owners of that page, who are X mil are saying it’s the real deal but others are saying it was an older incident.

  5. Many of the comments at the link are highly critical of Trump bombing near civilians. They want us to target and bomb ISIS in Paukee-ston. A big part of the problem in Afghanistan is civilians covering for AQ there.

  6. At 314 million that’s about 3 million bucks a ratbag….chump change compared to the trillions Obozo pissed away. Hopefully Donald will make it more cost effective in the future. And piss on the libs whining about the cost on Twitter.

  7. Cut the military loose.
    There will be civilian casualties even when taking precautions.
    Send the Air Force B-52 Stratofortresses fully loaded (74 and 20 reserve aircraft) and 100 B-1B bombers around the clock.

    Total submission or annihilation are the choices for ISIS.
    I prefer to finish what George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Hussein Obama Failed to do.

  8. AA, there’s an invasion of Trolls on most the Military related sites lately. They definitely have a push going. A couple places like Uncle Sams Misguided Children just tell them to F off and ban them. So does Tactical Shit.

  9. Sorry about the civilian casualties, some will be unavoidable. That’s on ISIS, not us. Bring our boys home from that pointless incursion, whatever the mission has morphed into, flatten ISIS as best we can, and declare victory and be done with it.

  10. Dear President Trump:

    Don’t stop at just one! Do more, then more again and wipe these savage bastiches off the face of our Earth. Evil MUST be conquered, and YOU have the power to do it!



  11. Funny how the left points to this MOAB use and screams “But but but civilian casualties!” (Yes, YOU, Lizzy Warren), but remain clam-tight shut-mouthed when presented with civilian casualties committed by ISIS.

    STFU, GTFO, or get outta the way, bitches. The last eight years of complacency are over, USA is going after these ratshit demons.

  12. Ungrateful socialist bastards. I’d like to see Trump order all US equipment, munitions, and personel packed up and removed from that black hole and declared enemy territory henceforth and until further notice. To hell with any and everything muslim.

  13. Too bad the nose was not painted with pig’s blood.
    Muzzies believe they are eternally condemned if they come in contact with pig’s blood.
    All ordinance should be sprayed with pig skin or blood.

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