An Atrocity I Never Quite Heard Of Before- It Was, BEFORE NOW, Unimaginable – IOTW Report

An Atrocity I Never Quite Heard Of Before- It Was, BEFORE NOW, Unimaginable

Leave it to Islam to step of their savagery to heights I never could have imagined.

They cut the baby out of a woman and raped it.

No, not kidding.

Story at Newsbusters.

ht/ js

48 Comments on An Atrocity I Never Quite Heard Of Before- It Was, BEFORE NOW, Unimaginable

  1. Islam – the reification and deification of EVERY evil, depraved, disgusting, vicious, savage, unimaginably horrible behavior of which humans are capable!

    And “we” want more of these members of the animal kingdom here??

  2. I know it’s common to say things along the lines of ‘threw up in my mouth’, which tends to dilute the impact. I don’t know I’ve ever used that term before, and it describes exactly what I felt after reading this story a few days ago.

    Range time is a good antidote. And prayer.

  3. So… ah, did they just wake up and were like, ‘hey man, Satan’s gained ground on us, we gotta one up him!’ Or was it more like the demons that live within them got out of control? Either way, I pray for that child, and the mother. God have mercy on them. I already know what’s going to happen to the demonic creatures who did this, may they reap what they have sown.

  4. There are no words. The utter depravity and evil of one capable of doing such a thing is beyond my ability to comprehend. The enjoyment of such a thing is so evil I think I have seen behind the veil of Hell itself and I don’t want to countenance such a thing as that.

    I pray for mother and child the world over.

  5. the child has been returned to jesus as the innocent angel who knew nothing of this islamic depravity

    i am sorry to say that we will witness worse than this, as unbelievable as that sounds

  6. Remember when your parents would tell you scary stories about the Boogeymen to keep you from running away, to stop your misbehaving or staying out after the street lights went on? These sunsabitches are the Boogeymen on Crack. Monsters are real.

  7. I can’t think of a punishment that would fit that. My mind just can’t conceive of that kind of evil.

    I know, after death, each one of them lives in a separate room with no contact with anything – no noise, odors, sights, feeling – nothing. No lake of fire; that’s too good for them. Let them live in their own separate Hell – what they make it.

  8. Pure evil as a description falls short…
    Beyond comprehension, beyond words.

    Let God’s fearful, righteous judgement be islam’s reward for their walk in darkness hand in hand with their false prophet and godless acts of evil.

    This scourge of humanity must be known for what they are and eradicated.

  9. Some times I don’t even think prayer will help, these guys are beyond the reach of the love of Christ.
    They are fully under the control of Satan.
    The battle is ahead of us, but it will come, and we must prepare those who will follow to fight the evil that is now growing.
    Churchill warned his people about the moselems and the nazis.
    We have to keep up the warnings, and fight them as much as we can.

  10. Fritz the Cat. Speaking of the Crusades. Here is a story worth telling, if only to remind us how truly fucked up “Life in the United States” is because of Political Correctness.
    “When a student at the University of Southern Maine (USM) scrawled
    some graffiti, heads rolled and cops were summoned. But not because campus property was defaced. No, the hubbub ensued over the message: a phrase in Latin, “Deus Vult,” meaning “God wills it.”
    Apparently, Crusaders said this in the 11th century……..the student wrote the phrase in tiny letters on a desk and wall in the student government office. Immediately, bat-crap-crazy lib crusaders deployed. USM President Glenn Cummings condemned the “anti-Muslim graffiti.” Student body VP Mike Raymond called the phrase “coded language” designed “to intimidate a specific
    group of people.” Counselors were made available for distraught snowflakes. A rally was held to support Muslim students. Ultimately, a police report was sent to the Maine Attorney General’s
    office, to investigate the graffiti as a possible hate crime. Two student senators were accused of cover-up and resigned as personae non gratae.”
    Source: The Limbaugh Letter, January 2017, p. 4.
    As for ripping a baby from the womb of a woman and raping it? Well, that’s their culture.
    Deus Vult.

  11. I’m not an expert on the size of men’s genitals, but I was married twice and have three brothers –
    so how teeny can their penises be if they can rape a baby?
    Is that why they’re so angry?

  12. When Jesus Christ returns His vengeance on these horrifically evil muslims will be just and terrible. I pray for His judgment on them.

    Of course, in the mean time there is no reason why we should not nuke them.

  13. Wizzum; evil depravity knows no boundaries.
    Whether one sites mass beheadings, kidnapping, rape, child rape, using children to detonate suicide bombs, mass executions, assassinations, hanging corpses or the heads on pikes, crucifixions, destroying entire villages, blowing up Christian Churches as they pray, burning captives alive, honor killings…..could you believe these events are true?
    The situation in the article isn’t a big stretch for the depraved, cruel and murderous followers of the false prophet.
    They have 1700 years of this same behavior.

  14. @Fritz ~ “What part of the Crusades was a bad thing?”

    the European went at it half-assed & didn’t totally annihilate the scum when they had the chance …. they’re paying for it today

  15. “I know, after death, each one of them lives in a separate room with no contact with anything – no noise, odors, sights, feeling – nothing.”
    – Claudia

    That is out there. Not the “room” part – but absolute nothingness forever in all directions. A room has limits and the feedback of something containing you. The rest is a perfect description of the outer darkness. I’ve been there and staying there would be like you describe – your own hell.

    Not so sure it’s more than a temporary waypoint, but it scared the hell out of me knowing it’s there and what it’s like being so ultimately alone – even if only for a brief time.

    You’re really, really incensed to wish such a thing. I throw my vote with yours. I can think of no worse to wish upon someone.

  16. Dadof4,
    Do you REALLY want to start shit with me? Your no shooter. And you get your ass kicked every time. And then I feel bad for taking advantage of the retarded. Bottom line, I don’t like you, and you don’t like me. But by all means keep it up dumb ass.

  17. Wasn’t trying to start shit. Brad. I get it now you don’t like me.

    It’s not true I don’t like you, but I do go over the line enough to look that way.

    What did I do? If I owe you an apology. I’ll give it.

    If you just want to hang on to hating me, that’s ok too. You certainly don’t owe me anything.

  18. @MJA April 13, 2017 at 10:02 pm:

    Re: “…the Boogeymen on crack.”

    I remember reading some time back that these savages take some sort of drug–a mind-bending drug–which affects their behavior. Apparently, they then feel they have the power to do anything.

    After reading the Newsbusters story, I feel as if I’ve just eaten some very slimy, ten-day old oysters. Islam, and all its cult members, must be destroyed…and quickly!!!

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