DOVE features trans parent in ‘real moms’ soap commercial – IOTW Report

DOVE features trans parent in ‘real moms’ soap commercial

American Mirror: Soap company Dove has punched its ticket for a seat on the social justice train.

The corporation has released a new ad for baby wash titled “Real Moms,” and tells the story of several mothers it says are “redefining” what it means to be a female parent.

Included among the “real moms” is a man identified as “Shea.”

The ad begins on a negative, accusatory tone, with a woman claiming “most people feel like they have a license to tell you what they think it means to be a good mom.”

About one-third of the way through, Dove shows Shea feeding a baby a bottle with his female partner next to him.   more

46 Comments on DOVE features trans parent in ‘real moms’ soap commercial

  1. Can’t they just sell their damn soap based on it’s cleaning and lathering capabilities?!!! Why do these companied have to shove their pervy agenda down our collective throats?!

    I can’t even buy stupid bars of soap without thinking of that now!! Time to find a new soap brand.

  2. So is the woman on the right a straight or a lesbian? When your relationship starts looking like a Rube Goldberg contraption or a logic exam question, you might be doing it wrong.

  3. “Soap company Dove has punched its ticket for a seat on the social justice train.”
    “Soap company Dove had a seat on an overbooked United flight to economic oblivion”

  4. Why not make your own soap? It isn’t difficult. It starts with processing your own livestock to harvest the fat needed for the soap. But hey, if you want to pay people to do your work, you can. The more you pay out, the more the government takes from you in taxes. Don’t feed the beasts. Duh!

  5. BTW: Dove is owned by Unilever. If there’s one thing consumer products companies don’t ignore it’s a bunch of angry women who make the product choices for their families and influence their circle of relatives and friends. All things being equal — which very much applies to most soap (and toothpaste) products — the only thing a company can do to win converts to their product is advertising. If I was a Unilever exec, it would be hard to ignore a vocal majority over a trendy (and iffy) minority.

    Make your calls/emails:

    (Last time this happened, it was Tide laundry detergent trying to convince us that dad was stupid and it’s okay for the daughter to slip out of the house wearing the white miniskirt he’d already thrown in the trash. I got a lot of free product for my trouble and they yanked the ad.)

  6. I submit, most companies now are most likely supporting the whole SJW narrative and campaign in one capacity or another, whether they are vocal/public about it or not. It is the new norm.

  7. @Jack Daniels — You’re undoubtedly right but it is important they don’t normalize abnormality in the town square and market place. In this case Unilever isn’t selling soap, they’re selling transexuality as the new normal. This needs to be pushed back. No man can be a “mom”. A kid with a mustache shouldn’t be able to steal girls’ trophies just because he calls himself a girl.

  8. Thanks for the handy tip Redacted. I rushed to my regional auction, bought 1 bull and 1 cow (business expansion plan), hired a livestock transporter to deliver Bessie & Butch to my town, hired local fence co to install pen/fences. Bought feed, hay, etc. Just as I was in the process of rendering said fat to process my eau ‘d natural soap, my local zoning official came roaring into my driveway, sirens ablaze, to inform me local zoning laws do not permit livestock.
    Now what?

  9. It’s seemingly mandatory for large consumer companies to have these “inclusive ” campaigns . My husband started compiling a list 20 years ago of retailers and manufacturers he would steer clear of, and it’s been growing by leaps and bounds. I am baffled about the message they are conveying. Are you not allowed to dance or mountain climb after becoming a mother? Thousands of children have been raised on cattle ranches. OK, I just clarified the message as I was typing this! Shea is a real man, oops, mom too. And I am a bigot for not equating him to the women featured. God help his child. (He did say they were the biological parents.) Unilever is on the list.

  10. @AbigailAdams: Speaking of “normalizing abnormality in the town square and market place”:

    (WARNING: Video clip has high disgust factor. Not recommended for viewing for those with a weak stomach, or around lunchtime.)

    P.S. – Apparently, when you’re a Muslim immigrant you don’t NEED soap.

    P.P.S. – I hear he’s now working as a waiter.


  11. I’ve used Dove soap for years and years. Just took 12 bars out of my linen closet and threw them away.
    I’m incredulous as to why the mental giants of the corporate boardrooms think political pandering of this
    nature is good business. Are they so removed (or culturally inbred) that they somehow missed the issues Target and Macy’s are dealing with now?

  12. Just wow. This is Target-strength Corporate SJW Stupid ™.

    Soap, the ultimate generic commodity. 3 bars for a buck, everywhere. Easy and painless to change brands.

    If LBGTQWhatever’s are 1.5% of the population (and that’s an Obama 2015 number, so even that is probably inflated), and if even 10% of those are couples with some kind of adopted or turkey-baster little ones in the house, that’s an insanely microscopic market.

    Let the boycott begin.

  13. They are mentally ill. Are we going to have other mentally ill people on the tube?
    When I was a kid there was a mentally ill man that used to walk around without pants.
    Maybe Dove could do that.

  14. They annoyed me with the body image crap they were doing a while ago. As if they were worried fat women were so shamed of their looks because “skinny people!11!!” and they weren’t using soap out of an inferiority complex. LOL. Can’t they just put a fat girl in a soap ad without pointing at her while they’re doing it? You don’t make a fat woman feel ‘normal’ if you keep saying that she ain’t, stupids.

  15. The same brand that made curly haired girls seem like they were being harassed and underserved because their hair was curly. As if no one noticed the million and one products thrown at straight haired people every day to help make their hair curly. What’s the deal with advertisers pitting people against each other lately? They used to dick with competitors, but now that they’re all one giant monster of brands, they go after the customer instead.

  16. I read online that if you didn’t like cleaning soap scum off of glass shower doors and the shower, use body wash (it is a detergent rather than soap). I tried a few different body washes and they didn’t lather enough to suit me, so I just started buying Alberto VO5 shampoo at the Dollar Tree and it doesn’t take much to make lather. The shower is a lot easier to clean now.

    My dad (86 yo) said the soap he used was drying out his skin. Tried Camay, Dove and a couple of others – he didn’t like them because the bars are too small (his arthritic hands couldn’t hold them well enough to lather up his rag after a couple of uses). I found a big, 7 ounce bar of milled soap made in the US at Dollar Tree and he loves it. Amazon is selling it for $6.99 LOL – the reviews are good and they have several varieties including coconut/oatmeal, lavender/oatmeal and lemon/oatmeal. Anyone giving up Dove might want to try it – at worst, you wasted a buck. Here’s the Amazon page with reviews for anyone interested.

  17. MJA, didn’t realize the pattern until you pointed it out. I have been using Dove for close to 40 years. I have extremely sensitive skin and it’s always served me well. My pediatrician also recommended it for my children. Using Cetaphil on my face, but too expensive for the shower! Checking out Kirkland brand.

  18. Marymcc, I agree on the Cetaphil. I need sensitive skin ingredients myself but holy crap! The prices. lol

    If you like certain products but can’t afford them, etc., here’s a little trick you can use.
    It’s called subbing. Go to your local internets and type in, as an example, “Cetaphil Sub”. That will call up a list of substitutes or DIY recipes for Cetaphil. I’ve done that with a super expensive anti skin irritation sunscreen and found out that Badger sunscreen has pretty much the same safe ingredients.
    Good luck!

  19. @Bubba’s Brother: Most so-called “soap” today is actually a detergent bar, so unless you’re using Ivory or some other true soap, you shouldn’t have any actual soap scum.
    More like detergent scum. Since shampoo is a lot thinner than so-called “soap”, it probably doesn’t stick to surfaces as much, so that’s why you’re noticing the difference.

    Now whether or not it actually gets you as clean as “soap”…well, I’ll let you be the judge of that.

    P.S. – Has your Dad tried using a glycerin soap? Can’t hurt, might help.


  20. @vietvet – I used Dial or Irish Spring for years, but it would melt away in no time and leave a trail on the side of the shower from where I put it on the shower ledge that you could scratch off with your fingernails. Took a lot of scrubbing and chemicals to get it off.

    The shampoo seems to clean fairly well – I can get pretty greasy working on my car (and pretty dirty working in the yard) and it gets what’s left of the grease and dirt off (after washing my hands and arms off good in the laundry sink) as effectively as the Dial or Irish Spring did. I was afraid it wouldn’t do as well as soap at first, but it has worked pretty well so far.

    I tried a couple of brands of glycerin soap for my dad, but he didn’t like them. That doesn’t mean they weren’t good soap, but he’s pretty set in his ways LOL. As much as anything I think he likes that the Dollar Tree soap stays pretty hard and lasts well (doesn’t turn to mush on the bottom and stick to the tub) which means it stays large enough for him to grasp well. And apparently it doesn’t dry his skin out as badly either (maybe it’s the oatmeal). I’ve also noticed that it doesn’t leave nearly as much residue as the Dial and Irish Spring did in my shower.

  21. Hey – as long as Dad’s happy, everybody’s happy, right?

    (That’s the way it worked in my household, anyway.)

    P.S. – Kudos to you for taking care of your Dad. So many people don’t, nowadays.

  22. Thanks. I thank the good Lord everyday that I’m able to take care of my dad (as much as he’ll let me) and that he is still here for me to do so. I honestly consider it a privilege and a blessing.

  23. @Bubba’s Brother: You may not see this comment because it’s so late, but I forgot to mention that Lava soap, combined with a pumice stone, is excellent for scrubbing grease off your hands, and this stuff is pretty good at dissolving it, too:

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