How The Left Will Relegate Biological Females Back To Being Cheerleaders – IOTW Report

How The Left Will Relegate Biological Females Back To Being Cheerleaders


16 Comments on How The Left Will Relegate Biological Females Back To Being Cheerleaders

  1. Lefttwats love to screw with the natural laws concerning the creation of humans yet they deny the normal use of natures’ resources.
    I believe it’s well past time to eliminate the turd rollers from decision making.

  2. Such confusion about the dangling dingle.
    I want to know what the Moose has to say about all this. If there was ever a reason to keep Muslims in the Country it would be to let them have their convention in Dearborn.

  3. I can’t believe the number of left tards in this country.
    How did they get that way?
    Why am I not that way?
    Is it school indoctrination?
    It sure as hell at church
    Did they eat something known to cause left tardism?
    Were the given an injection by a doctor when born?
    Why are there so many in large cities?
    Is it hypnotism?

  4. the problem w/ progtard ‘enlightenment’ is that there is no end-game, other than some sort of mythical ‘Utopia’ … it always ends up in slaughter & enslavement … ‘There is only the Fight’*

    ‘Progressives’ are only interest in today’s ‘solution’, never tomorrows consequences
    … if they were truly allowed to completely rule, within a few short years we’d be hearing the chant of “Burn Witch, burn!”

    *Hillary Clinton’s college thesis

  5. I get this thread and it’s a great point. A very legitimate point. But I can”t find anything on Alexander that suggests he’s trans-fat. I mean Trans gender. The state of Texas high school athletic commission would be a good place to start this discussion. It looks to me like they’re pushing this agenda harder than anybody. So much for title 9.

  6. It’s pretty damn easy to pin point the problem in this country; once someone starts talking common sense, the liberals immediately lose attention, it’s some kind of survival mechanism to them.

  7. @?: “How did they get that way?”
    Diet and family/society structure.
    I’ll be the crazy guy, I guess.
    Frickkin’ monsanto runs DC, for starters. GMO. Phytoestrogens.

    “Some studies suggested that even slightly increased fluoride exposure could be toxic to the brain. Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas….”Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain,” Grandjean says. “The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”
    They can’t really help it, in some ways. And it is deliberate. Dumber people are easier to manage.
    They’ll even pay $2 for a bottle of floridated water and feel good about it.
    At least that’s one of the reasons I think they ‘got this way.’ Actually they didn’t ‘get,’ they were made this way.

  8. @j in VT

    Not discounting its contributive effect but this is happening in the UK too. Groovy, baby.

    Something that does cover all the bases is processed foods and the and the whole food chain that creates it. From pesticides to GMO to hydrogenated this and mechanically seperated that.

    Eat more Popcorn.

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