Let the Comments Commence – IOTW Report

Let the Comments Commence

Picture found on Twitter by JS-

I can’t run it on the front page. Click in to see.

70 Comments on Let the Comments Commence

  1. Gotta be San Francisco. You know, I’ll bet some BLM guys beat the crap out of him for stealing their idea. Maybe someone could call the cops and complain about it being hate speech or inciting a riot. Or maybe for him just being so fat it makes it kind of difficult to read around the folds of his carcass.

  2. So white people f***. Big deal. Is it bragging or complaining?

    P.S. – Somebody needs to call Goodyear and tell them that one of their aircraft has been hijacked and defaced with graffiti.

  3. Doesn’t that thing know that loud prints make one look overweight?

    A black burka with the full face cover thing might be a better option for that thing.

    Oh, and Fur? JS? Thanks for the memory, indelibly and horribly seared into my brain. Lol!

  4. “Too late, Scotty realized the malfunctioning Transporter had combined the molecules of Rosie O’Donnell and Lena Dunham into an alien monstrosity too horrible for even 23rd century science to undo.”


    I see that it says, “white people fuck”.

    And his point is?

    LOL didn’t know that no wonder there’s so damm many of them!

    like the old joke “once there was a CHinaman… no look how many there are

  6. I’m glad this is on the internets/Twitter so that it will still be available, oh, say, 30-40 years from now. Funny how those stupid decisions always seem to catch up with one. No class.

  7. I hate to ask a technical question (’cause it means that I care). But… That looks like a commercial grade fabric print job. Not some artsy/craftsy wanna’ be lesbian with a stencil and a paint dipped cat. So where would one order a bolt of professionally printed, washable (yeegods! I hope washable) fabric, with whatever (criminal in some jurisdictions) message one likes, repeated over and over? In case an artsy/craftsy wanna’ be lesbian friend asks.

  8. Somewhat related – a few days ago we talked about a “Miss” Shelley Garland pushing for the vote being taken away from white males. Total hoax article to prove a point.

    Huffpo took it down. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.za/shelley-garland/could-it-be-time-to-deny-white-men-the-franchise_a_22036640/

    Ran across this at Steven Crowder


    Excerpt that caught my eye.

    Those who thought that Garland is not real were correct. For she is a pseudonym used by myself, a white South African male, to show that one can write absurd racist and sexist hogwash, as long as the target is the right one.

    The piece was accepted without question by the Huffington Post even though – as others have pointed out – the piece is riddled with factual errors [and] logical fallacies. Huffington Post did not fact check any of my ludicrous claims in the article, nor, as far as I can tell, was the piece edited.

    This is an indictment on journalism … and a further indictment on the Huffington Post is the fact that its editor, Verashni Pillay, then took it upon herself to defend the total garbage that I had written.

  9. They Breed April 17, 2017 at 6:48 pm

    He could get laid in West Virginia wearing digs like that. You don’t want to see what she looks like though.


    @They Breed, I doubt he has seen his prick in years.

  10. You grab your handy PR-24, flip it around so the handle
    is on the other end, then you knock that fucker up side the
    knee with a good whack.
    Guaranteed that fat ass won’t walk for a week or two.

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