Fresno Shooter Shouts Allahu Akbar – IOTW Report

Fresno Shooter Shouts Allahu Akbar


Suspect in Fresno shooting spree that killed 3 shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’ when arrested

Three people are dead in a shooting spree in downtown Fresno on Tuesday, and the suspect was wanted in connection to the Motel 6 killing last week, the Fresno Police Department said.

Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, shouted “Allahu Akbar” as police tackled him to the ground after the shootings which were spread over four locations, Police Chief Jerry Dyer said.

The victims appeared to be random, Dyer said.

Shot Spotter detected the first gunshots around 10:45 a.m. Muhammad shot into a Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) vehicle killing the passenger. The driver sped away and drove to Fresno Police headquarters.

Muhammad continued walking and opened fire at a local resident but missed. Shortly after, he encountered another resident and shot and killed that person.

He then continued to the area of Catholic Charities where he shot and killed a person in the parking lot.

PG&E sent out the following statement:

Our hearts are very heavy today, as we have lost a member of our PG&E family. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of our employee, and all those impacted by this tragic event.

Public and employee safety is always our top priority. While we focus on safety every day, no training or protective equipment can prepare one for events outside of one’s control.

We are cooperating with law enforcement authorities as they investigate the incident.

This loss is particularly difficult for our employees who live and work in the Fresno area. We are sending additional resources to support our employees in the Central Valley


32 Comments on Fresno Shooter Shouts Allahu Akbar

  1. Advice to CA pols – If you simply absolutely MUST pass more gun control legislation (I know, ya gotta do it in order to keep your gravy train rollin’) then I humbly suggest that you make it illegal to sell any firearm or any ammunition to any buyer named Mohammed (or its variants).

  2. the way the math is set up he actually won.

    He will have a 3 to one kill count. On top of that the state will now spend millions to try him and hundreds of thousands if not millions to feed him 3 times a day, cloth and house him for the rest of his life. On top of that he thinks he is going to Paradise when he does eventually die. THat is a win across the board for him.

    The equation needs to change. He should be told that he will be executed one week after he is found guilty (assuming he is found guilty) and that he will be wrapped in bacon and buried at the bottom of a a lake of pig waste. Furthermore it will be video taped and broadcast live on Facebook so all who think and feel the same way he does will think twice before they act out on Islamic hissy fits.

    Oh, his family will be charged for the cost of his execution, the bacon used to wrap his body and the transportation to the undisclosed lake of pig waste that could be in any one of the lower 48.

    Cheers to you Mohamid

  3. We should also hit the mosque he attends for monetary compensation to the families of the murdered. If the mosque does not have the funds then the building is to be sold the the proceeds given to the said families.

    If the Catholic Church is on the hook for misbehaving priests then the mosque that produces Jihadists should be forced to pay up.

  4. White people are certainly strange. They let a humungous amount of minorities sneak, swim, wade, crawl and fly into the country and then give them a hunting license to kill whites

  5. Zonga,

    Shane M. Lowe Worldwide coverage if it was a white man that killed 3 black people just because he hates blacks.. just sayin..
    Like · Reply · 28 · 1 hr
    4 Replies · 5 mins
    Caro Rivera
    Caro Rivera So a person who yells in Arabic can’t be crazy?! Only someone who yells in English? He would of been called crazy then!! These comments are wild lol!!😭😭😭 it’s always the same individuals 🙄🙄🙄🙄
    Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr
    George Gong
    George Gong Anyone is possible in committing murder sorry however true! To say be in denial for anyone’s criminal intent or focus on a religion or ethnic background is totally off! Any killer is bad period!
    Like · Reply · 34 mins
    Doug Lynch
    Doug Lynch Wait he yelled in what? So he’s a Muslim … can’t your pathetic news organization just state the facts?
    Like · Reply · 8 · 1 hr
    Michael Patrick David Reeves
    Michael Patrick David Reeves The nationwide media won’t pick this up. A black guy killed whites and used a revolver, then screamed in Arabic.
    Like · Reply · 5 · 1 hr
    3 Replies · 19 mins
    Rebecca Martinez
    Rebecca Martinez Terrorist Attack. And gee….what exact Arabic words was he yelling? Headline the truth, please!!!!!
    Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr

  6. Apparently a quick stop for chicken Mcnuggets causes suicide random killers. I’m surprised he didn’t stop at one of the dozen or so he McDonald’s he passed going cross-town.

  7. PG&E
    “Public and employee safety is always our top priority. While we focus on safety every day, no training or protective equipment can prepare one for events outside of one’s control.”

    Be aware of your surroundings, be prepared to save your life and those around you. Training and concealed carry will allow you to be better prepared for events out of your control. The point is: take responsibility and be prepared to control events in your immediate area if the need arises to save your life.

    Gun Control increases you loss of control, increases the likelihood of you being a defenseless victim and increases government’s control over your right to defend your life.

  8. Formerly from Illinois, an anti-gun state, I carried illegally for 25 years.
    Was I prepared to watch my wife or children die at the hands of a criminal? No. I took the risk to be prepared to defend my life and family. I was willing to be judged by twelve rather than carried by six.
    It was a shame to break the law to exercise my constitutional right, but I’d do it again if forced.

  9. We should ban inanimate objects (guns) but not refugee infested terrorists that consciously want you dead.

    Brilliant. Liberals are unlocking the door and disarming you at the same time.

  10. “So can we finally declare BLM a terrorist organization?”

    They won’t even call this murder terrorism yet. Probably won’t even be a Hate Crime, because they are pushing the “mentally ill” narrative.

    But you can bet your bottom dollar that the guy who punched Moldylocks is being sought as a domestic terrorist.

  11. And my friends wonder why I won’t go back to Kommifornia. When nappy niggas can carry guns with no worry, but if you are a law abiding citizen caught with a gun you’re fucked! It’s all about who can pay the fines.


  12. They just announced that this guy will be charged with a “Racial Crime” not Terrorism. They asked what ever idiot was at the Mic if a Racial Crime meant a Hate Crime and the answer was “Not Necessarily”.
    See, there is no Jihadi problem in California.

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