The Results of the Left’s Slacktivism – IOTW Report

The Results of the Left’s Slacktivism

14 Comments on The Results of the Left’s Slacktivism

  1. The left won’t help them in their native land; they prefer to bring them here so the taxpayers will take care of them for life in exchange for a lifetime of Dem voting. That is called “compassion” by the progressives.

  2. Wait til the Marin County Pussyhat “Fighting Vaginas Online Brigade” arrive.
    With some leftover uneaten Michelle Obama school lunches.
    From 2012.

    And if the starving leave any food unfinished, Michael Moore and Rosie O’Donnell can help them finish the leftovers.

  3. I heard the Boko Harum girls were able to feed off their hashtags for months. That’s how they got the strength to escape themselves, since no one else was gonna actually help them.

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