Stalker Asks Malia To Marry Him – Secret Service Says Man Has Psychiatric Problems. Now Diagnose Barack. – IOTW Report

Stalker Asks Malia To Marry Him – Secret Service Says Man Has Psychiatric Problems. Now Diagnose Barack.

Alleged Stalker Asks Malia Obama to Marry Him.


A 30-year-old man is facing possible charges for allegedly stalking and harassing Malia Obama, the New York Daily News reports. According to NBC New York, Jair Cardoso showed up at the New York City building where the 18-year-old daughter of the former president is interning three days in a row, from April 10 to April 12. Sources say on April 10 Cardoso held up a sign and yelled for Obama to marry him before Secret Service agents told him to leave. Two days later, he was stopped by agents while allegedly following Obama after she left her internship, CBS New Yorkreports.

On April 13, Secret Service agents interviewed Cardoso at his apartment and took him to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. Sources say Cardoso is trying to use Obama to get to her father, who he wants to ask for help.


22 Comments on Stalker Asks Malia To Marry Him – Secret Service Says Man Has Psychiatric Problems. Now Diagnose Barack.

  1. Supposedly the stalker wants to get in touch with her dad, Barracks Obumma, for help with a problem.
    He is crazy if he still doesn’t realize Obumma only helps people that can pay back the favor.

  2. I can see a future for Malia as a Stan Laurel impersonator…after all, she seems so fiercely to want to become a celebrity! And she certainly has enough $$$ to find a great Stan Laurel costume. Maybe Mama Mooch could stand in as Oliver Hardy?

  3. Obola did so much for his brother and aunt – no telling what he’d do for some psycho stalkin his “daughter.”

    Probably take him behind the dumpster and give him a tongue-lashing …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “yelled for obama to marry him before Secret Service agents told him to leave”

    “president clinton, we told you last time she doesn’t dig old white men and no, she doesn’t own a blue dress and doesn’t want to join in smoking a cigar.”

  5. Perhaps if the young Miss Malia would wear some clothing when she appears in public and not walk around
    half-dressed, she might not attract the wrong sort of attention.

    Badly spoiled fruit always draws the first flies.

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