Ugh- Tucker Carlson’s First 8PM Guest is …. – IOTW Report

35 Comments on Ugh- Tucker Carlson’s First 8PM Guest is ….

  1. What’s most disturbing is that I don’t know of any female who has a voice like that. Of course he isn’t female and never will be. Fantasize on Bruce! You aren’t fe3male and never will be. You’re a sick fuck wad.

  2. I’ll watch just to support Tucker Carlson. He is the best thing that Fox News has right now. Besides it is kind of interesting that Jenner is supposed to be a Trump supporter and, I guess, a conservative. Should be an interesting segment.

  3. Caitlin has never been on a date! Jenner seeks to transform himself from a 70 YO man to a teenage girl. Both transformations are impossible, but one must not notice such things or be thought boorish or worse.

  4. Facts you won’t hear from the left: When men have surgery to imitate women nature isn’t fooled. Nature responds to the fake female replica as an open wound which, being nature, it always works to heal. Fake women have to counteract nature in a routine of mechanically opening and stretching the fake female part.

    Seems nature didn’t get the memo that gender is just a social construct.

  5. Tucker Carlson is great. He disembowels liberals with a smile and has none of the arrogance of some hosts (O’Reilly comes to mind). BUT, Bruce “Where’s my penis gone?” Jenner? Who’s next? Jay Z?

  6. Baad, Baad move Tucker. Few, if any in your audience gives a flying phuck about that freak, Jenner. Get a grip man before you explode on the launching pad like NOKO rocket.

  7. Bruce Jenner is a man and always will be. He is XY and no amount of make up, surgery, or dresses can change that fact.

    I want the oath violating doctors to have their licenses revoked and charges pressed for this mutilation. They are as perverted as Bruce for enabling his mental disorder.

  8. If this crap opening show at the new time is being forced on Tucker by the powers at FNC. He better learn quickly how to say No. Or walk away from the show. I never watch Maury Povich and Jennner belongs on Maury’s show. Not Tucker’s show.

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