Somalis Discover That Perhaps The Pirate Life Isn’t For Them – IOTW Report

Somalis Discover That Perhaps The Pirate Life Isn’t For Them

Somali pirates pay a heavy price for their brazen daylight attempt to board a ship.


22 Comments on Somalis Discover That Perhaps The Pirate Life Isn’t For Them

  1. Yo Ho Yo Ho, it’s a Pirates life for me.

    That video is about 5 years old. Some guy formed a group Trident Securities (I think) and he caught a lot of shit for the warning shot turning into a mag dump. I think the guy was going down to Wal Mart and buying the cheapest AR’s he could find and passing them out to his neighbors with a promise of an exotic cruise.

  2. Anyone ever spend quality time at Tyndall AFB watching Fire Bee drones? Have one of those babies fly over at the speed of sound, donate a couple dozen cluster bombs to the cause. In a few seconds all those worthless damned rag heads would be standing in fronta Satan, er, Allah, with freshly shitted pants, demanding their 72 virgins. Num num rag head ladies!

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