March For Science – IOTW Report

March For Science

23 Comments on March For Science

  1. Comment from a lefty acquaintance who marched in Cleveland yesterday: “It was a march of scientists who are against funding cuts.”

    Me: Were there a lot of scientists there?

    Him: There were a lot of people in white lab coats, so, yeah.

    Me: Wow, so if I get a white lab coat, I’m a scientist?

    Him: Well, they seemed to know a lot of stuff.

  2. Ohhh that desperate sign’s a giveaway “Saving the World”.
    Science is based in fact,and the fact is they know you could give them
    a Billion dollars each and they still couldn’t solve a problem that doesnt exist.
    Maybe they should put a little effort int’o something like ahhhh, asteroid deflection ? I think it’s a million times more likely to be a real threat !

  3. Progs can stick a dick in the Earth, but it won’t stick one back in their own collective assholes. Unless Earth can give a dick, a reach around, participate in feltching, etc. it needs to be saved. Everything revolves around assholes and cocks with the left.

  4. Lots of Liberal, Progressive, Commie, Turd Polishing, Useful Idiots marching around in rented lab coats, holding silly signs, bleating irrelevant, inane drivel in front of staged cameras, feeling and believing that this equals real SCIENCE? Hmmm, …I think not! It sounds/looks more like modern liberal brainwashing, or gas lighting. “WARNING, WARNING Will Robinson,” eminent A$$HOLE ALERT!

  5. My hypothesis is there is something being done to children that leaves them with an absolute lack of self-awareness.
    I suggest a study be made to investigate the correlation between just how the brain of a liberal can hold the same two thoughts, as illustrated above, at the same time.
    That would be research worthy of funding.

  6. Take back the language. Let them have their gender – stay on point there are only two sexes.

    “I see you’re xyz gender with a little question mark in there somewhere. Great! If we found your bleached bones 30 years from now, we would only be able to identify you as one sex or the other. You know that, right? How does it make you feel that what you are doing right now is meaningless in the long run? Clueless is an acceptable answer”.

  7. What the hell is on the one sign in the bottom? Are those electronic schematic symbols or are they weather map symbols? Either way I guess you could call it SCIENCE!

  8. If you have a viable new product, fund it with your own money, sell stocks in an IPO. Then when (if) it’s a hit, sell it for a profit….

    Oh…..but that goes against the Libtard notion of having the Gubberment raid the taxpayer’s General Fund for every crackpot hairbrained idea.

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