Actor Chris Pratt speaks the truth and immediately apologizes for it – IOTW Report

Actor Chris Pratt speaks the truth and immediately apologizes for it

Patriot Retort: Uh-oh! Actor Chris Pratt did something really awful.

He had the temerity to speak the truth.

And, as we all know, “in a time of universal deceit speaking the truth is a revolutionary act.” So says George Orwell anyway.

In an interview with Men’s Fitness, Pratt said what is blazingly obvious to everyone on Planet Earth.

“The voice of the average, blue-collar American isn’t necessarily represented in Hollywood.”

Oh, the HUMANITY!!!

Now, tell me. Who would disagree with that?

Well, permit me to answer my own question. Butt-hurt, virtue-signaling Leftists who take offense at absolutely everything — that’s who.

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5 Comments on Actor Chris Pratt speaks the truth and immediately apologizes for it

  1. Chris Pratt’s life experience reveals why he does not have the courage to stand behind his convictions. One quote on being homeless (beach bum) in Hawaii:
    “It’s a pretty awesome place to be homeless. We just drank and smoked weed and worked minimal hours, just enough to cover gas, food, and fishing supplies.”
    Perhaps one day he will mature and come to understand the true meaning of moral courage.

  2. There’s a couple movies my wife has wanted to see over the last 18 months and everyone of them has been a ith some lefty Hollywood Elite asshole in it. I tell her if you want to see it go ahead. Well that knew movie A ducted is coming out. A comedy. Looks pretty funny. The leading character is Amy Schumer. My wife won’t even go watch that movie on general principle. The Box Office returns have got to be dwindling. Sooner or later I guess they’ll get the message.

  3. Who’s Chrissy Pratt?

    My wife likes to go to the movies too Bad_Brad and has to just about drag me there to see them. I already know how to swear so I resent paying to sit for 1-1/2 to 2 hours through a profanity laced portrayal of straight white males as right wing sexist homophobic religious nut jobs. And if smoking and drug use is so bad, why do so many characters smoke and do drugs in the movies?
    I wouldn’t watch Amy Mooumer do anything let alone pay to watch.
    If only North Korea had a missile that could reach Hollywood………….

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