The most cringeworthy performance of the year —My Sexy Junk – IOTW Report

The most cringeworthy performance of the year —My Sexy Junk

Bill Nye apparently couldn’t get his latest effort on basic cable, so he’s taken it to Netflix. There are 13 episodes of “Bill Nye Saves The World” in the hopper, with #1 premiering this weekend.

While I’m sure this series will be quickly forgotten, this little performance by Rachel Bloom deserves to follow her forever. I’m told it’s supposed to be humorous and satirical, which, I guess, would mean Bill Nye and Rachel Bloom are making fun of the transgender/genderfluid LBGTQ thing. But they are deadly serious.

It’s humorous if you enjoy anti-science delivered awkwardly.

In all honesty, I’ve never heard of Rachel Bloom, though based on this little ditty alone, I’d say she’s trying to be the next Lena Dunham.


48 Comments on The most cringeworthy performance of the year —My Sexy Junk

  1. That’s it Big fur you will be hearing from my lawyers

    there were no warning notices that hearing and eye protection were needed for watching that video… now excuse me while Stevie Wonder drives me to the hospital to get my eyes and ears treated


    UGLY = 10 PTS

    A PERFECT SCORE!! 70 OF 70 PTS!!!

  3. Bill Nye the Moronic Guy! Won’t even bother to watch this jerk. He’s worn that stupid bowtie too tight for too long that it constricted all the blood flow to his brain – that is, if he has one. He’s an engineer? Like what? Casey Jones on coke? More like Choo-Choo Charlie from the old Good ‘n Plenty candy commercials of long ago.

  4. Good Lord Almighty. I really am at a loss. Was the DJ dressed up like a chicken? WTH was that all about? That moron bill nye was connected to this, because??? I don’t think I could watch that again.

  5. It’s impossible to embarrass the arrogant left. This is a great case in point along with the lying press that continues to delude their electorate.

    Let’s hope this type of swagger brings about their eventual demise.

  6. Good Lord. I have no words. Even if I believed all the LBGQTRXYZ crap, this still wouldn’t have made sense. Plus she and Nye are hideous and she can’t sing. Was it supposed to be sexy? And what was Nye doing, bouncing like a chicken? Awful beyond words.

  7. What. The. Phuck was that? So the left is hitching their wagon to this shit? Read the comments. Wow,just wow. Sweet meteor of death, we’re ready…………………………

  8. What the hell was that? Bill Nye has lost his freaking marbles. It’s one thing to be a priest to the cult of anthropomorphic global warming. But anyone who would call this a “cool little segment” that is “very important” is bat-shit crazy.

    At 1:59 you see the full level of Nye’s decent into total madness. Bill Nye is standing next to the trans-species-seahorse lady aka “The DJ” where the camera catches Nye holding the pause and as the beat kicks back in Nye begins to head bobble/rock-out with enthusiasm not seen by many and by that I mean only those who have seen a 16 year old head banger at an Ozzy Osborne or Judas Priest arena show circa 1985. Nye wants people to know he has been to all the rehearsals, that he knows the groves and the message and he is so oh, oh, oh, down with both.

    Bill Nye has made a career talking to kids. To call this excrement “adult content” would be fair but lacking in detail. To call it “Freaky to the Dickie” would be too kind. If Bill Nye thinks he can attach himself to this and keep working with children all I have to say is “you have another thing coming”. What this clip should be called is “Exhibit A” and used as evidence in a trial to bar Bill Nye from being in the same building as children for the rest of his freaky life.

  9. I hope the Rachel Bloom of Crazy Ex-girlfriend is closer to the real Rachel Bloom than this catastrophe. Yikes. Bad singing, bad dancing, bad songwriting, and Nye presiding over all of it like Nero.

    Fiddle on, fake-science boy. Fiddle on.

  10. Meanwhile across the nation, efforts are ongoing to attract young women into the STEM fields. This video has the potential to set back those efforts 20 years. Except hardly anyone will watch it.

    By the way, I think trying to attract women to STEM is stupid; let people enter whatever field for which they have an aptitude.

  11. Gee, Bloom’s gotten kind of fat eh. Anyway, Bill Nye has got to have some sort of disorder to be on a show like that as well as trying to act like the cool guy when he’s about 100 years old. It’s actually kind of sad.

  12. Tap tap tap..and where did BFH get it from, hmmm?

    “Just remember when the Left calls itself “The Party of Science”, what you just saw is what they mean by “science””.

    This is dreadful. Not like hooligans/Bill Hicks dreadful – more like gouge your eyes out while losing your lunch. Yet someone wrote, choreographed, filmed and set it loose on the Internet. Mental evaluation time worthy.

  13. Well, if Bruce Jenner can call himself a woman then apparently Billy Nye can call himself a scientist and those freaks can call themselves sexy entertainers! After all airheaded media hacks claim to be journalists and Democrats pretend to be Americans!!

  14. Mzz. Bloom won an Emmy award for that snoozefest, disjointed, badly-written CW show, “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”. She’s a loon in real life. Not surprised by this “performance”.

  15. I already said more then enough about this on the_donald reddit page, however I will add that the fact that Bill was arrogant enough to think that he could pass this hedonistic insanity off as ‘family’ entertainment is just astonishing to me. Then again, Nye is a super huge fk up, so having no morals or shame shouldn’t be a surprise.

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