Ask the sexually confused a question about sexuality… – IOTW Report

Ask the sexually confused a question about sexuality…

…and you’re going to get a confusing answer. At least that’s the best I can make of this exchange between Tucker Carlson and the individual who used to be Bruce Jenner last night on Fox News.


Caitlyn Jenner said sexuality and gender identity are not comparable.

“They do not understand gender identity,” Jenner said during an interview on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Monday. “They understand sexuality. The old saying is ‘sexuality is who you sleep with, gender identity is who you go to bed as.’ It’s a totally different subject — you cannot compare sexuality and gender identity.”

“It’s hard thing. Honestly I have been fighting this war for the last couple years, and I don’t even think in my lifetime people will get it.”


Art work by Sabo

They were talking about Louis Carol (real name Charles Dobson) and Alice in Wonderland last night on the BBC. Perhaps “Through the Lookingglass” needs to be updated for our insane popular culture, but what would you call Bruce Jenner’s character?

38 Comments on Ask the sexually confused a question about sexuality…

  1. Sorry, I’m not going to watch the linked video. Jenner and similar folk have mental issues, and I don’t have time to elevate their so-called arguments to the status of serious public discourse any more.

    If you want to pretend you are a woman and hack off your johnson, go for it. But don’t tell me that this is normal or acceptable behavior.

  2. Did Tucker ask about gender and Jenner respond about ‘gender identity’? Because I get that ‘gender identity’, whatever that is, is a psychological construct. Gender, however, is science – male or female in the human realm. Science!

  3. I was flipping channels yesterday a.m. and ran across “IT” on ABC. Out of curiosity I wanted to hear “HIS” voice. Not even a smidgen of female in his voice. It was creepy and revolting.
    When I was a kid I watched him win the Olympic decathlon and really admired him.
    Man has our culture deteriorated when this is some kind of new standard to be admired.

  4. What percentage of the population is sexually confused? Tops I’m thinking 5%. Why so we let them control so much of the narrative? We need to stop giving the freaks a platform.

  5. bb, it’s the same from all the leftist and atheistic bullshit

    atheists represent about 3-4 percent of our population, yet look at their influence at pulling down crosses, references to god anywhere

    minority rules the roost while we have much much bigger and more daunting issues to concern ourselves with

  6. I’ll bet cash money that within 10 years Jenner will be dead by his own hand. What the LGBTetc community (as well as the medical associations) fail to tell the public is when these gender confused people fail to get help but are encouraged by society, family, whoever by the time they get to early/middle age (hell, even the late 20’s and thirties depending on when they started) cracks are forming in the ego they’ve constructed and shortly thereafter suicide becomes a viable option in their minds. Not all of them take that route but enough do that it’s quite a problem for the narrative as laid out by the progressive left who I frankly believe don’t give a shit about these poor people and are just using them to further break down society.

  7. “Honestly I have been fighting this war for the last couple years, and I don’t even think in my lifetime people will get it.”


  8. Is this a good time to mention that I’m really an adopted African Albanian albino bilateral below knee amputee lesbian dwarf 64
    Plymouth Belvedere inside?

  9. Jenner did mention the problem of suicide among the community of trans. That tells you right there that these people have mental issues.

    My ex brother-in-law went through trans gender surgery after he divorced my sister. Sad part is he won’t let his son talk to him about the memories of him as dad. Really screwed up person.

  10. Being in a freak family pays big bucks for Bruce. Giving up a penis was a small price for Brucy to pay in order to fit in with the other freaks and keep the notoriety and money flowing in!

  11. So isn’t he really just admitting this is total BS, pure fantasy if this is about his own gender identity or how he perceives *himself*. Unfortunately for Bruce he wasn’t born a few decades earlier. Today’s PC lunacy and talk about gender fluidity and identity being different than reality has allowed people with mental illness to readily mutilate their bodies and destroy their lives. Nothing compassionate about it.

  12. @Benito; I’m not surprised that Trudeau the Younger is giving out bathroom advice as his first (or was it second) career was as a bar bouncer. This dick held two jobs in his life, bar bouncer and 2nd grade teacher neither of which for very long before being foisted on the Canadian people by the Liberal and progressive backroom boys and of course, media, their loyal lapdog.

  13. I looked this up in my medical literature and it was as I suspected. If you are XY, you are a male. If XX, you are a female. Now there are instances of XXY and other genetic and hormonal issues that make for confusion, but those illness are well recognized and taken care of in specific ways. As to waking up and feeling that you are a female when you are XY, that is a disease of the mind. If severe enough you might do gender reassignment surgery (to make money) but otherwise, they are just screwed up. And if you play this game, then you are screwed up and feeding the poor persons delusions.

  14. Johns Hopkins pioneered sex changes, they were the first to do it.
    They stopped doing it after being confronted by the reality their research has shown them. Only psychological treatment is appropriate for someone with that illness.

  15. Your wacky new look’s the talk of the town
    And I never know when I reacharound
    What I’m gonna find
    Dont let them carve a vagine
    Dont you know
    Bruce … You’ll be a woman soon
    Soon … you’ll be unmanned

  16. He was probably so impotent even massive doses of Viagra wouldn’t work. His immune system probably rejected the penile implant.

    So why not make a couple more $ millions, he thought.

  17. @Callmelennie April 25, 2017 at 5:25 pm

    No lennie. You’ll receive orders to go to a deplorable reassignment camp. You’ll have to get there on your own tho’. ‘Cos only the fascists can make the trains run.

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