Convicted felon Donna Hylton spoke on a civil rights panel at a fancypants college earlier this month but completely failed to mention that she — along with several others — kidnapped a man, forcibly sodomized him with a steel pole and then tortured him to death. When a student at the event asked Hytlon about the heinous crime, a second panelist loudly berated the student for having “embarrassed” Hylton.
The Ella Baker Day panel focused largely on the rights of prisoners. Hylton “went on for about 30 minutes” about the “physical aspects of the jail” and about her complaints as a prisoner, according to the student who asked Hylton about her criminal past.
“She mentioned graphic stories,” the student told The Daily Caller. “If you were not crying by the time she was done speaking, there’s something wrong with you.”
Hylton “made it seem like she was some innocent woman who was put in jail,” the student also said. “She didn’t say why she was in jail. She said it was because of the color of her skin.”
“Her basic theme was, ‘I am an innocent victim and it’s because of how awful Donald Trump is.’”
Without question, Hylton is no innocent victim.
What did she do?
Read more:
ht/ annie
But Ann Coulter is not fit to speak at Berkeley. We are losing to the progs. Time for baseball bats, guns and ammo.
Answer when my alma maters ask for donations: No.
“The Ella Baker Day event offered “1 Duchesne hour” to attendees. “Duchesne hours” are credits that are mandatory for Manhattanville students who receive community service scholarships”
27 years in prison will let you forgive yourself…..The rest of us?…not in a gnats life span…
Want to see a Leftist hack New York Times whitewash of an abhorrent crime by a minority? Check this rather bland description of the crime in that rag:
No mention that Hylton and her comrades starved, burned and tortured Vigliarolo. They forcibly sodomized him with a 3-foot steel pole. “They’d squeezed the victim’s testicles with a pair of pliers, beat him, burned him”, said a detective.
~~~A second Ella Baker Day panelist, Shirley Leyro, then loudly declared that the student was being disrespectful by inquiring about the murder-related crimes Hylton committed.
“She said I had embarrassed Hylton,” the student said.~~~
At this moment, Campus Security would be running toward me to detain me after I threw my chair while I hurled obscenities at these lowlifes AND at the Judge who didn’t meet out the death penalty for these crimes: murder, kidnapping all premeditated, malice aforethought, yada yada yada
All blacks are jailed under the white mans laws. So of course they are jailed unjustly.
Just Sayin. Blacks have no laws. How come? never built a city or a wheel in 3000 years south of the Sahara. They are lucky and fortunate to have found America. And many of them are wonderful people, but many of them are really fucked up, especially those
elected to Congress for life. Total assholes.
Another good use for a Cheytac. Pink mist is awesome with the sun light shining through it.
Put her back in jail until the color of her
skin changes then.
“Whitey made me do it so it was dat man’s fault!”
No wonder we have uncontrolled animals running the streets knocking people out and robbing subway cars. I see an awful lot of people (no profiling, hehe) buying the packs of cigars and getting fruit drinks and skittles.
As fer me and my house we conceal carry!
Just the fact that she wasn’t able to reproduce is reason enough to have locked her up.