I’m Not Buying Shea Moisture Products Any Longer – IOTW Report

I’m Not Buying Shea Moisture Products Any Longer

I’m dumping them. See why—>

39 Comments on I’m Not Buying Shea Moisture Products Any Longer

  1. One of the “people-o-color” commenters on the website accused the company of appealing to “Beckys”. I had no idea this new racist slur existed, but it is a pejorative used to describe Caucasian women.

    My new term is “Cauc-Envy”, or being jealous or envious of Caucasian (White) accomplishment. A term to describe people who subscribe to the believe of White Privilege. Use: “The Black Lives Matter movement is suffering from severe Cauc-Envy.

  2. There seems to be a disconnect in our world. We have these companies and Yankees running around very sensitive about race. Yet down here in the South, no one cares. Blacks go through our society with freedom and are able to do just as much as whites. Whites and blacks date and have relationships. No one cares except a handful of people that want to stir up offense for political gain and in the process cause a good bit of trouble that is not necessary.

  3. Wow. I use(d) their Coconut Hibiscus bath/lotion stuff because of my perpetually itchy skin.

    Are companies supposed to have segregated lines of product now? If you get caught at the checkout with the wrong one you have to pay reparations or something?

    Good lord.

  4. It’s NOT a matter of “who BUYS” their product, MJA…
    it’s all a matter of THEIR MINSTREL SHOW…that is to say:
    who SELLS their product…after all…
    …ya can’t have WHITEY selling “THEIR” product…can ya?!?

    I mean, because…Social Justice!

  5. And while you’re at it cancel your subscriptions to any Conde Nast publication. I was flipping through Glamour at the salon yesterday and it was wall-to-wall Trump bashing. Lunatics.

  6. @Eugenia – I have extremely dry naturally curly hair (wild poodle, not Felicity curly) and argon oil is the only thing I have found in my life to help with control. Love the stuff!!!

    @AA – I cancelled all subscriptions many years ago. The last one to be cancelled was the local fish wrapper, the AJC. When I called to cancel, they asked for a reason. I told them it was because they endorsed John Kerry for President. Their response? “We’ve been getting that a lot today.” Yet they’re as liberal as ever.

  7. @Bad_Brad: You’re welcome, Brad. I wasn’t aware of such a day, but I always make it a rule to never turn down any compliments, regardless of the reason. I get so few these days, you know.


    P.S. – You’re not going to get me to make any comments on the feet, but those were some pretty well-turned ankles, IMHO.

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