Today’s Affirmation, Dedicated to Our Republican Controlled Congress – IOTW Report

Today’s Affirmation, Dedicated to Our Republican Controlled Congress

What our collection of stumble bums in Congress have accomplished in their first 100 days is an embarrassment.

A continuing spending bill that gets us to October, but no budget and no border wall, maybe tax reform maybe by the end of the summer, foot dragging on critical confirmations, hearings going nowhere and worst of all, a complete rout on getting rid of Obamacare.

What Congress set out to do 100 days ago Here

Their damning record on Obamacare Here


I’ll be honest, I have a vested interest in Obamacare collapsing our healthcare system and ushering in single payer. My first novel, FairPoint is predicated on that possible scenario (you can order your e-book copy here to read on your own computer without a special reader by downloading the Kindle app reader ). It’s chock-full of material about what it would be like to be subjected to an intrusive government entity, more interested in maintaining its own budget than in those it is suppose to serve. I wrote the book to oppose that possibility, but the longer we drift towards Obamacare’s failure, the closer we come to that reality.

14 Comments on Today’s Affirmation, Dedicated to Our Republican Controlled Congress

  1. Tic Toc, I don’t think we’ve seen Trump at his best yet. I think he’s still assessing the bull shit and picking low hanging fruit. The clock is ticking. And he has an established time line. But I believe soon you will able to add, “Lead, Follow, or Get The Hell Out Of The Way”.

  2. Yes, I am impatient, I’ve waited a long time (since Reagan).
    Trump’s assessment of the duplicitous Swamp during the campaign was correct.
    I pray his other foot drops shortly.

  3. When I heard the details of the budget agreement- no repealing of Obamacare, no funding for the Wall but funding for PP & Dodd/Frank I e-mailed my Senator & House Rep and told them I no longer identify as a Republican.

    I told them I’m not going to wait for 2018 for them to get it right. They can get it right before 2018 or I’ll be sitting that one out.

  4. Dr. Tar – – FairPoint is your book?

    That’s right Billy. Took me three years to write and another 16 months to rewrite and proof. I’ve managed to sell 8 copies since offering it in e-book form. I want to outsell Chelsea Clinton and if I can raise enough money, print it in hard copy, but that would be a lot of sales.

    You can read the first 20% of it for free. Just go to the link in Smashmouth or you can find it at Barnes and Noble now. – Dr. Tar

  5. Trump’s unheralded success has been in exposing the bi-partisan clusterfuckery AKA the Uniparty.

    It just makes it easier to pick my future targets when things go full anarchy.

  6. This is why we need a vote on this so called obamacare repeal/replace. Whether it is a good plan or not, it looks it is the only game going right now, we need to see who votes and what the vote is. If they just say no vote, we don’t have the votes, I’m going to be a pissed off son of a gun! We need these traitorous bastards on record!

  7. don’t equate the repugnican ruling-class with bungling … this is exactly what they want …. this ‘governance’ is by design

    they are very happy with the status quo of slow enslavement

    Trump is the enemy … we, the people are the enemy … the Bushes, the Ryans, the Clintons, the Schumers, the McCains, Grahams, the ‘Freedom Caucus’, Kasicks, Kennedys, Cornyns, Cuomos, DeBlasios, Pelosis, …. & all the little Eichmann’s…. are all in on it

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