#Fake Mass – IOTW Report

#Fake Mass


An international group defiantly opposed to the Roman Catholic Church’s ban on women priests Sunday ordained its first woman Catholic priest in the 46 counties that make up the Catholic Diocese of Charlotte.

The ordination ceremony for Abigail Eltzroth happened in Asheville at Jubilee! – a nondenominational faith community – with Bishop Bridget Mary Meehan presiding.

Eltzroth, 64, said she is the second woman in North Carolina ordained by the rebel group, called the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests.

The important question is, “what does she identify as?”

“It’s time for a change and we’re in the forefront, leading the charge,” Eltzroth told the Observer on Sunday. “We expect that eventually everybody is going to follow us.”

Eltzroth said, she now plans to to start a Catholic worship community in the Asheville area.

But reached for comment Sunday, David Hains, spokesman for the Catholic Diocese of Charlotte, said: “I hope that Catholics in the diocese will understand that it would be sinful to receive a fake sacrament from a woman priest and that includes attending a fake Mass.
Read more here: 

ht/ annie

39 Comments on #Fake Mass

  1. A nondenominational faith community that worships a transgender god with catholic in its name is not the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

    Why is that so difficult to sort out?

  2. I seem to remember something about false religions and idol-worship and liars pretending to do God’s bidding … can’t put my finger on it … ewww … don’t want to put my finger on it!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Nothing new here, and not the last in the long list of heresies compiled by the Church. Being a priest (priestess, actually, here) really isn’t a great way to advance the faith, imho. Of all the major Christian flavors, Catholicism offers the most revered rolls to women and keeps Mary front and center. Is there anyone more venerated than her, other than Jesus? But most protestant faiths do away with her and the other female authors and saints.

  4. Well this is just a waste of time. If they are catholics and she tries to perform a mass including giving of the Eucharist she and anyone who receives will get excommunicated. The current Pope may be a leftist idiot but he won’t hesitate to bring down the hammer. Maybe women should be allowed to enter the priesthood but it’s not for a group of attention seeking nobodies to decide, that would be for a Vatican 3 Council.

  5. By the by, is anyone else having trouble with the site today? Page refreshing, error saying the site is not responding, blank pages? It may well be my system but it only seems to be happening here. Oh well, “but he persevered”.

  6. Jewel Atkins,
    I didn’t leave it off; Martin Luther did.

    Jesus told the Pharisees that they taught the traditions of men instead of the law of God as doctrine. The Roman Catholic Church continues that tradition. Examples: there are only 2 sacraments, baptism and the Lord’s Supper. There are no infant baptisms in Scripture. Scripture doesn’t even hint at the existence of Purgatory, and Scripture references to Mary don’t indicate that even Jesus thought she was without sin.

    However, belief that Jesus is God, lived a sinless life, died and went to Hell for our sakes, and rose again from the dead is sufficient to be a true Christian; everything else is wood, hay and stubble.

    God bless

  7. As a former Protestant of the nondenominational denomination church of Christ, I once believed all those things. It was a well read Catholic who knew his Bible and history who showed me where I was in error concerning all those things I once believed. Lutherans and Presbyterians practice infant baptism by the way, and it is noted within scriptures that entire households were baptized. Christ said to let the little children come to him.
    Purgatory isn’t a place, but a process. We must all be purified, as by fire to stand worthy of God. As for Mary, both Catholics and Orthodox Christian have venerated her forever. She hardly rates a mention in the church of Christ. One of the oldest hymns written to her was a second century paean O Theotokos (Godbearer). I am only a recent convert, but I learn something old everyday.

  8. “We expect that eventually everybody is going to follow us.”

    Uh huh. No plan survives first contact, but wow: that’s extremely ambitious, even for a messianic (I once had a roommate who got herself committed to an institution who suffered from that). Exercising wishcrafting must be high on the activites list.

  9. The stole goes under the chasuble, not over it; even the straight male priests know that. I oppose the ordination of women because I don’t want to see liturgical colors reduced to nail polish.

  10. Jewel……I believe Christ said on the cross, “It is Finished”. What about that does the RCC not understand. If you need to be further “purified” after death……why did Christ have to die?

  11. Nope…..boy is that essigesis if I ever read it.

    For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, – 1 Timothy 2:5

    Sorry, we pray directly to God……not to any saint, any dead, or any Mediatrix and we confess our sins to Him to get forgiveness, here and now. Not by some earthly priest. The RCC has been trying to sew up the veil since it’s inception. They do not have or present the true Gospel.

  12. @judgeroybean
    Same as the woman who divorces her husband and keeps his last name.
    Start your own religion.
    My favorite religious joke:
    The international association of scientists came to the concensus that they had it all figured out and no longer needed God. So they voted one of of their own to inform God that He was obsolete.
    God said okay, how about a last little challenge before I go? Let’s each create life. Okay, says Bill Nye, and reaches down for a lump of clay. Whoah! says God, that’s my dirt; you start with your own dirt.

  13. “Eltzroth, the woman who was ordained Sunday, grew up Presbyterian but became a Catholic in her 50s. “It’s the most ancient tradition,” she said of Catholicism. “It’s the tradition that we all look to.”

    Yes, the great tradition she couldn’t wait to start breaking down. Cafeteria Catholicism strikes again.

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