Greetings From Yonkers Memorial – IOTW Report

Greetings From Yonkers Memorial

There is a memorial for Greetings From Yonkers being held in late June, in Brooklyn.

I realize that it is extremely unlikely that many from iOTWreport will be attending, but I post this so everyone can finally put a face to our beloved and ubiquitous commenter.

40 Comments on Greetings From Yonkers Memorial

  1. Now that I see her face, I know we are kindred spirits. I wish I had taken the time to know her better. I’m sorry she had such a physical battle.

    Rest in Eternal Peace, Sedra Jayne.

  2. GFY had a good, strong countenance. Judging by her face, as a fellow conservative – I would embrace her as a kindred soul. Liberals though, would be smart to turn tail and run. And Sedra – what a beautiful name.

  3. @ Annie Go Trump
    So sorry for your loss. May her soul be with Our Lord, the angels and saints.

    Sedra, we miss you, but realize you are happy living in Oul Lord.

  4. Wow. My maiden name is the same as her last name. It is not a common name by any means, but I know for a fact we cannot be related. I would have liked it if I could say that we were … RIP Sedra, and my sympathies to her family and all her friends here.

  5. Her posts were astute and brilliant and funny and I do miss her presence here.
    Fur, thank you for posting this and for all the updates.
    Thank you, Sedra Jayne, and bless you.

  6. Perhaps this will sound disgraceful or even heretical, but …
    Imagine you’ve struggled with pain and suffering for many years. Then imagine you’re finally free from that. Would you want to rest, or would you leap and run and bounce around for all eternity?
    In that spirit, run and jump in freedom for all eternity, Ma’am. I never expected to hear such optimism come out of Yonkers. You’ve changed me forever.

  7. sturge – exactly…. 🙂

    my mom worked her way thru nursing school as a waitress and ballroom dancer, as in “dirty dancing”….later on, her ankle was crushed by an idiot bus driver closing the door on her, and she could never dance again….i was miserable when she died, then about a week later, i was granted a vision of her and my dad, dancing around in the next world with humongous grins…and i suppose i cried…… 🙂

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