Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill To Protect Police From Violent Protesters – IOTW Report

Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill To Protect Police From Violent Protesters

DAILY CALLER- Democratic Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has vetoed a bill that would have increased penalties for violent protests Friday, according to Inside NOVA.

The Republican-sponsored bill made any acts of violence towards police officers, firefighters, and members of the National Guard a class 3 felony, punishable by 5 to 20 years in prison, and a $100,000 fine. McAuliffe vetoed the measure because he wanted to include the same penalty for anyone inciting violence due to someone’s “race, religious convictions, color, sexual orientation, or national origin,” he said in a statement.

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17 Comments on Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill To Protect Police From Violent Protesters

  1. Terry McAuliffe has no problem laying the foundation of his national political aspirations on the foundation of the caskets of Policemen, Firemen, National Guard and Emergency Medical Technicians.

    Remember, McAuliffe was co-chairman of Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign, and was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, whose campaigns were built on the same foundation.

    Safety, Law and Order are secondary to personal aspirations.

  2. Oh, for fuck’s sake!

    Just make ANY violence against ANY-fukkin-BODY a Class-3 felony, punishable by 5 to 20 years in prison and a $100,000 fine.
    It’s called “Equal Justice Under the Law” and isn’t really anathematic to American jurisprudence.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The problem, as I’m sure the governor is aware, is that this would crowd the prisons with more negroes, and (collecting) the fine would be laughable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Let’s just hope the Dems don’t put up an Independent shill again.

    The other candidate is a moron, already pushing LGBTQ crap and gun control. I call him Dr. Dickhead. (Northam)

    Enough is enough.

  5. @truckbuddy
    Can you believe Northam is already running ads on tv?
    Started in April for a November election.

    Of course, republicans will field the spineless mass, Ed Gillespie again. I didn’t think the guy has even won a ping pong match, let alone any political office.

    Doomed to die on this barren planet.

  6. I have seen them, I switch the channel when I see him like I do with those over-the-top ASPCA commercials. He is quickly moving to the top of my “10 people I’d like to hit in the face” list. It’s impossible to get any news on Dish.

    Nice part of it is they’re wasting their money too early.

  7. Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill To Protect Police From Violent Protesters

    MJA, your headline is incorrect. The gov vetoed a bill to increase penalties for assaulting police. That’s not the same thing as protecting them.

  8. Wow! The shirts of the team toss an agitprop at the quarterback of the skins of the team, making their equipment boys Super-Special-Snowflakes. And the skins’ quarterback slaps it down because it wouldn’t make the Super-Loyal-Fans Super-Special-Snowflakes, as well. And the Anti-Fascists bomb the Not-Loyal-Enough-Fans. We thank thee, Saint Goebbels, for our daily bread.

  9. The North Carolina Republican congressional majority can overide our Marxist Governor Cooper’s vetos, which they have just done, recently. He’s threatening to take it to court, but at least our legislators can slow him down. Sad for Virginia. It’s been hijacked by leftists.

  10. then I’m sure Guv McAuliffe won’t mind when Conservative Virginians get fed up with his shit and violently protest Democrat politicians, including him.

  11. I keep telling people here in the real Va.(the western mountains) that they are part of the problem if they don’t vote. Because of dc, all these asswipe dems have flooded east of the Blue Ridge…especially northern Va. They do not represent our values and they vote. HELLO?

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