Sheriff’s deputy suspended after calling female colleague ‘Captain Boobs’ – IOTW Report

Sheriff’s deputy suspended after calling female colleague ‘Captain Boobs’

American Mirror: A Lee County, Florida sheriff’s deputy was suspended after he referred to a female colleague as “Captain Boobs,” and she reported his antics to their superiors.

The Lee County Sheriff’s Office launched an internal investigation after a female deputy alleged Deputy Christopher Patricella made the rude comment while the two were training a new recruit at the Lee County Jail, Fox 4 reports.

The female deputy told investigators she was in a room with the trainee when Patrecella waltzed in and said “Hey, Captain Boobs!”

The shocked female deputy responded with an “Excuse me?” and Pantricella shot back: “You know what I’m talking about.”


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25 Comments on Sheriff’s deputy suspended after calling female colleague ‘Captain Boobs’

  1. What a dipstick! Did he think that was a good pick-up line or was he just trying to get himself suspended! Am not a feminazi by any means, and would laugh it off, if joked privately. That guy apparently has zero common sense.

  2. If she was his superior, it was insubordination. Otherwise, he should have been counseled to knock off the sexual innuendos, then maybe suspended if he refused.

    As in the military, law enforcement personnel tend to be a bit on the cruder side, and that should be taken into consideration.


  3. Sounds like it was a comment directed at who she was dating rather than necessarily at any specific part of her body.

    However she must be rather racked and stacked to draw the attention of superior officers and knows that she’s qualified to eat steak rather than hamburger. (“Wink, wink”)

    Kind of like why Trump has Melania and not Meagan Kelly.

    I feel as if I have now done my good deed for the day.

  4. Good grief. My co-workers and I insult each other daily. No one tattles. No one loses their job. Just yesterday I called a co-worker “fat ass”. He shot me a bird and we kept working. But also, we don’t have any “victim class” people working with us so we don’t have to walk on egg shells.

  5. “Your Honor, it was training day, and we were teaching the new guy about sexual harassment. I was merely providing an example of what he should not do. Obviously, Officer Juggs doesn’t ad lib very well.”

  6. The fukkin dummy had to admit to it, unless there was video or corroborating witnesses.

    “Nope. Wasn’t me.”

    Admit to NOTHING. NEVER apologize, NEVER explain.

    (or don’t do stupid shit in the first place)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. That’s what happens when your “Assets” get you the promotion, instead of earning it with years of hard work… I bet the sexual comment had something to do with.. It’s not who you know, It’s who you blow”.. In that line of work you’ll find a shit load of angry men hating liberal feminists trying to make a name for themselves.. but seldom ever do..

  8. A dude at National told a female co-worker to “suck my(his) dick” upon which she reported him to higher ups that he was making a harassing workplace or some such bullshit. No witnesses, no video, no nothing … so the Supervisor told him that nothing would happen if he just told the “truth” so the guy admitted to saying it, but qualified that it was a common expression of derision with no sexual overtones.

    They fired him. Outright. Gone.

    Dumb fuck should have kept his mouth shut.

    izlamo delenda est …

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