Michelle Malkin-
**Written by Doug Powers
My working theory is that this is part of a larger initiative to lower the skyrocketing cost of school janitor hernia surgeries caused by the strain of lifting of trash bins overloaded with discarded uneaten quasi lunches:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is easing school lunch regulations spearheaded by the Obama administration.
Newly minted Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue unveiled a new interim rule on Monday to suspend sodium reduction requirements and whole-grain requirements as well as allow 1 percent fat flavored milk back into school cafeterias nationwide.
The new rules will take effect during the 2017-2018 school year.
Some are sounding the official emergency lunch bell of The Resistance:
It seems the only thing that’s been standing between America’s children and a life of obesity and a cholesterol level so high it has to be given a viscosity rating has been Michelle Obama. Who knew!
These idiot, government myrmidon parents should spend their time researching instead of vacuously standing around holding signs supporting sheer stupidity. Mooch’s dietary advice is about as good as her fashion sense. They could do a web search and easily find that dairy fat (in real butter and whole milk) is now believed to be perfectly healthy for everyone including children (but Mooch directed only fat free milk). Even the official government mouthpiece, NPR, says so.
Animal fats contain nutrients we need like vitamin K2 and the fats in dairy help the body absorb fat soluble vitamins like A, D and K2. Whole milk also is rich in calcium and has a fair amount of magnesium – both key electrolytes in the body.
Recent research has turned the last 60 years or so of medical “wisdom” regarding whether saturated fats are good or bad for you on its head (among other things like the supposed link between cholesterol and heart disease). Saturated fats are now believed to be healthy (including for the heart) instead of being the villain that causes heart disease.
If Sonny Purdue has any sense (which from my experience he doesn’t) he’ll do away with everything Mooch put in place regarding nutrition in school lunches and let people that actually know something about nutrition guide what few regulations are actually needed.
Oh mayyyyn, this is one of those issues I usually start out talking about by saying, “Don’t get me started.” In our school district one of the meals is called Wonder Bites. The kids say, “You tale a bite and wonder what it is.” In fairness I heard this long before Obama came on the scene and have long been muttering about the state of institutional food that people should not be allowing their children to eat.
Institutional food is disgusting and making a REAL lunch doesn’t really take that long. Make a bunch of food on Saturday and freeze it. “But then it isn’t fresh.” So you’re unwilling to serve your children food you made from scratch and froze but are ok with the crap they make that you don’t even know what goes into it? The excuses for not doing it are as varied as they are lame and ridiculous. “I don’t have time.” Seriously? You had time to have children but no time to care for them? “I don’t like to cook.” Then you better learn to like it because you chose to have a family and that family needs to eat–and not shit on a stick. That’s not feeding your family. “I can’t afford it.” It’s well known by now that it’s way cheaper to make food at home than buy those boxed items that you toss in a micro.
I once wrote in a blog about the amazement I felt seeing these things called Uncrustables–frozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Are you f***ing kidding me???? People don’t have time to slap together a PB & J???? If we are in THAT much of a hurry as a society then we are in more trouble than I thought. Why can’t parents feed their children breakfast either? It really doesn’t need to be a gourmet meal, so why is it there’s no time to do it at home?
Look, I am by NO means a foodie, but I AM a bit snobbish about food–not as pertains to fancy restaurants or expensive complicated dishes at home. No. But I try to make as much as possible from my own ingredients rather than a bunch of packaged crap, most of which can be done from scratch and cheaper if you just take the time to see most of them also are really not that difficult. I’m not afraid to admit I have a boatload yet to learn and some of my ways surely can be made even better. As I said, I’m no elevated authority. But if my kid is going to eat me out of house and home it’s not going to be impersonal frozen crap that clogs the shit out of his arteries.
Sorry for the ranting/rambling. This topic just makes me crazy.
My girl is in a private school and gets to pick
her lunch each day.
It is purportedly the best school cafeteria on
Will I bitch if she eats spam mesube or pizza
every day for lunch? With breaks for other asian
She’s not eating candy and I’m good with that.
I’ve got plenty of time to pack my kids lunch, that means I’ve got enough time to make them pack their own lunch. We (wife and I) take the kids to the store and they pick their own. Usually it’s peanut butter sandwich and apple. They’re also responsible for telling us if there are enough baggies, otherwise they wrap in aluminum foil for the week.
If you want a good diet, simply eat what nature provides. Simple fruit in the morning, nuts for a mid-morning snack, a big ole salad for lunch (oil & vinegar for dressing), seeds for an afternoon snack, and a big ole salad for dinner with some wild caught yard bird or fish. Stay away from bread, sugar, most canned foods, and any processed meat. If you eat healthy, you should be able to eat as much as you want to keep full, but never gain weight.
Yeah, these Moms are too busy to make their kids lunch, what with being on their smart phones 24/7. Cretinous fucks.
Can’t take the time to pack a lunch but making signs and standing around carping about this inane horsesheeet, no problem.
Maybe they don’t know how to make a lunch or drive thru was closed!
The moms could always take some limited time out from their busy schedules and go to the school and nurse their kidlets. Those chest bags have to be good for something since they all seem to have them!
What, doesn’t Hole Foods have pre-made, organic, preservative-free, non allergenic kid’s lunches on sale?