Rocks Sitting On a Flat Plain in Death Valley Move On Their Own – IOTW Report

Rocks Sitting On a Flat Plain in Death Valley Move On Their Own

For 70 years scientists have been trying to figure out how rocks in the desert were moving on their own. They knew they were, they had GPS attached to the rocks. They just didn’t know how.

Finally they figured it out. They actually saw it happening.

Any theories?



28 Comments on Rocks Sitting On a Flat Plain in Death Valley Move On Their Own

  1. I never considered the ice angle. The trails they leave look like water was involved and wind was the only thing I imagined supplying the force, but that’s as far as I got.

    Glad they got to witness it.

  2. Was this a government grant.

    I want a government grant for $500,000 to study paint drying.

    Don’t laugh, under obama I would have a 75% chance of gaining the grant. The down side, I’d have to compete with PHD’s In Ivy League Universities who had the grant for the last 7 years.

  3. I’m taking a shot at this without reading comments or clicking “read HERE”…

    The area is subject to a night/day freeze/thaw cycle. There’s enough moisture in the freezing night air to deposit hoar frost on exposed surfaces including the uneven bottom of the rocks. In the morning sun, the East side of the rocks thaw first, lowering that side and causing enough tilt for the rock to roll a short distance in that direction.

    Of course, if the rock paths are anything other than more-or-less in the direction of the rising Sun, my theory is crap. Now I’ll go and read the link to see how embarrassed I need to be. (-:

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