Satan Is About To Take An Ass Whipping – IOTW Report

Satan Is About To Take An Ass Whipping

The President is going to issue another Executive Order, this time reigning in the secular forces within the federal government that has been trying to drive religion and those with faith from the public square. The order is expected to not only grant relief from the abuses of Obamacare (i.e. Little Sisters of the Poor) but also be more accommodating to the free speech rights of religious institutions by allowing more participation in the political process (the Johnson Amendment).


The one page brief on the new EO Here

Secularist and those promoting the homosexual agenda are objecting.

14 Comments on Satan Is About To Take An Ass Whipping

  1. There is no “separation of church and state” mandate; the First Amendment prohibits the Federal government from establishing a religion. Permitting various religious beliefs does not arise to the status of establishing a religion despite the howls of liberals. Indeed, one can argue that by proscribing the exercise of some religious beliefs, the government is in fact establishing a religion; if Catholic doctrine prohibits abortions, does not preventing Catholics from abiding by this establish a “Cathoic lite” religion by preventing religious beliefs to be exercised?

    Christians in particular are a large group who have the potential to wield a lot of political power. However, through the Johnson Amendment and other restrictions on the exercise of Christianity, any efforts to influence government in accordance with religious views is hamstrung.

  2. Since this is an EO and not, you know, ACTUAL lawmaking, it’s essentially only for show because it can be overturned with someone else’s EO. Why didn’t Trump tell Congress, “I want this bill passed by both houses and on my desk by next week so it can be signed into law”? That would make both it much harder to reverse and force opponents of religions to out themselves.

  3. The commies should be wearing the shitting pants today. Better, yet, grab a plate and fork; it’s what’s for dinner you stinking, filthy vermin.

    ESAD marxists!

  4. Wyatt nailed it.

    The Godless atheist leftists try to brainwash us all into thinking the constitution says “Freedom FROM Religion” when in truth, it says “Freedom OF Religion”. It intentionally left religious matters up to the individual states and in fact one of the 13 founding colony states actually did have a state religion. Even then, it was “recommended, not required”. There is NOTHING in the federal Constitution barring a state government building from having things like THE TEN COMMANDMENTS chiseled into the wall or whatever.

    Madilyn Murray Ohare is burning in Hell right now….

  5. AA, totally agree. By the time congress gets around to asking permission of their donor masters if they can have someone write a bill for them to sponsor on the subject, we will be waiting until PP aborted itself out of existence.

    Wilbur Ross mentioned the too slow vs. Trump speed in his great interview regarding NAFTA:

    Joe Walsh this evening was poo-pooing PDJT’s action today and mentioned that he was educated about it by the pipsqueak anti-Trumper know it all kid whose name I fortunately cannot remember right now.

  6. No matter where you are or who’s around you at the time of death, we all die alone! Religion has nothing to do with your faith, it’s faith in God word that Jesus wants from us! That’s one tattoo on your heart and soul that no one will ever take away from you! That’s what winning is all about! Death, where is thy sting?

  7. There are a lot of “religions” that haven’t been affected by the “Johnson Amendment” or other political/religious mixing that would create havoc with their 501-3C status. For instance: Scientology, Global Warming, Liberalism, Progressivism, Communism, Demoroid-ism, and those who worship the ground that Obama walks upon who are affectionately called Obamaites or those who suffer from Obamashitism. The last bunch really likes his kool-aide. But one thing for sure the lefties will find a way to morph this new change into some abomination for our post Obama Nation. Research “Modern day Gadiantons.”

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