Phony To the Core – Obama Had a Hero in College, Guess Who? – IOTW Report

Phony To the Core – Obama Had a Hero in College, Guess Who?

Che Guevara? Fidel Castro? Cesar Chavez? Mao? Marx?


Donald Trump.


More than two decades before he railed against Donald Trump’s “temperament” and “core values,” a young Barack Obama dreamed of becoming the billionaire businessman.

Obama revealed his idolization of The Donald – and what he stood for – in a never-published book written with a classmate during his Harvard Law School days, portions of which are published in the upcoming Obama biography “Rising Star.”

Americans have a “continuing normative commitment to the ideals of individual freedom and mobility,” Obama wrote in the manuscript, revealed in a Washington Post book review. “The depth of this commitment may be summarily dismissed as the unfounded optimism of the average American — I may not be Donald Trump now, but just you wait; if I don’t make it, my children will.”


ht/ c. steven tucker

14 Comments on Phony To the Core – Obama Had a Hero in College, Guess Who?

  1. Since nobody really knows who Obama is maybe he never attended college!
    Besides, with America being an unrepentant, unsavable, bigoted country for Africans how did he expect that he or his children would make it big? This kind of gives a lie to all that he, and the racial grievance group, has preached over the years

  2. Ironically, except for a major psychological flaw, I think Barack Obama could have suceeded in this. He is charismatic, well-spoken, and can obviously motivate people. Obama has a huge ego, but so do many (if not most) billionaires. Obama is also intelligent.

    But his flaw is that he is risk adverse. Obama spent very little time in the private sector, and went into academia and government – two professions where, once you obtain office, you cannot fail. As a politician, one can make disastrous decisions, propose and pass ill-advised legislation, and champion poor policies, but unless defeated in an election, there are no personal consequences to any of this.

    Donald Trump has well documented bankruptcies on his resume. So did Henry Ford, Walt Disney, and a host of other moguls. But they take personal and financial risks, and not every venture pans out as planned; in short, they can and often do fail with personal downside. This risk is what Obama could not, and cannot stomach.

  3. I see nothing but contempt for ordinary Americans, and Trump, in that passage. Obama accuses us of being committed to the ideals of America only so far as they make us wealthy like the shallow, soulless Trump, then he summarily dismisses us for not thinking deeply like him.

    Obama has always believed that community activism and government were the noble paths to wealth and fame. Trump has never, ever been a role model in Obama’s world.

  4. Brad-
    Socialists are people who dreamed of being rich and powerful but lacked the tools to get there, so they convince others it’s a rigged evil system and try and bring it down.

    It’s just like the kids who aren’t good at sports, would love to be good at sports, but instead call sports stupid.

  5. “It’s just like the kids who aren’t good at sports, would love to be good at sports, but instead call sports stupid.”

    Poor guys shit out of luck on both counts.From my experience it takes the same qualities to be successful at both. Poor Berry thinks he’s playing Ninja Mind games with the Deplorables. What a fool.

  6. For the record, we had to suffer through eight years of that low-grade moron.
    He never did or said anything that I would even remotely consider intelligent.

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