Woman who railed against PACs is forming a PAC – IOTW Report

Woman who railed against PACs is forming a PAC

PatriotRetort: Hillary Clinton will be launching a PAC to provide financial support for Leftist candidates in 2018.


You read that right.

The woman who campaigned against the Citizens United decision and vowed to nominate Supreme Court justices who would overturn it is taking full advantage of the very thing Citizens United permits.

Hillary’s own campaign website had a page devoted to overturning Citizens United and ending “secret, unaccountable money in politics.”

But now she’s forming a PAC chock full of “secret, unaccountable money.”

Her campaign website includes this quote from June 22, 2016:  MORE


SNIP: Name that PAC!

15 Comments on Woman who railed against PACs is forming a PAC

  1. Must be the Clinton slush fund aka foundation is not producing enough cash for crooked Hillary. Hey paying union wages to the dry wall splackler who trowels the makeup on her face can be costely.

  2. “…to provide financial support for Leftist candidates in 2018…”

    No candidate other than Chulsie will ever see a dime from this ScamPAC. Guaranteed.

  3. you didn’t think hillary could the lifestyle of her choosing on her own money making ability did you ?

    she’s not above asking for donations to keep her living the royal lifestyle she’s become accustomed to.

  4. What the hell is wrong with all those wealthy libs? Are they not able to see a pattern here? Hillary is going to set up ANOTHER money grabbing scheme to sucker wealthy libs out of their money. They’ll send her boat loads of money and she’ll ever so generously hand out pennies to the poor. Works every time.

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