Germany: Migrant ‘hurled a woman through a window because she refused to have sex with him’ – IOTW Report

Germany: Migrant ‘hurled a woman through a window because she refused to have sex with him’

Geller Report: This migrant not only threw a woman out of the woman because she refused him sex, he also is being investigated for harassing another woman and sexually assaulted a 17-year-old girl.

The kicker is the migrant said he was on remand for ‘no reason’ and that life had been unfair to him ever since he arrived in Germany in 2014.

Why was this savage not deported after his first sexual attack? Merkel is responsible for it all.

Dawit A., 34, allegedly drank beer and vodka at a refugee centre in Bensheim before threatening a woman identified only as Tirhas, 26, with a broken bottle.

She claims he ordered her to lie down and asked if she had ‘another man’ before hurling her out of a window where she fell 15ft on to the concrete below.

On trial at Frankfurt State Court, prosecutors said Tirhas visited Dawit in his room in July last year with another couple.

Lawyers said the men drank while the women cooked and later made coffee.

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14 Comments on Germany: Migrant ‘hurled a woman through a window because she refused to have sex with him’

  1. Germans are starting to deserve everything that happens since they continue to support merkel and not demand mu slim crackdowns.

    The whole society is spiraling back to the 15th century as these third world immigrants drag them back down to outdoor toilets and unsanitary living conditions. The beautiful (empty) churches are now becoming mosques.

    Happy Europe, everybody!

  2. Can we just drop all pretense and call these animals sub-human?

    Maybe I’m just reacting this way because I’m finally reading “Adios, America.” You can’t read the part of that book about the real rape culture and not want to nuke the entire Muslim world.

  3. Great to see Germany is now more “diverse”, isn’t it? Assuming the victim was a native German, why on earth did she ever agree to go back to this dirt-bag’s apartment? I’m sure she was/is a “good” progressive, and considers herself “open-minded”, “non-judgmental” and “inclusive”. i hope she has now come to her senses.

  4. Good Gawd Germany, Look at you! Time was, not even the Treaty of Versailles kept you down. Now you are a husk.
    Where are German men?
    This bastard should have received boot/noggin interface therapy long ago.
    You’re as bad as Sweden.
    Don’t attempt to come over here to escape your fate.
    You are making your own beds, and soon you will have to endure lying in it, because I have no more sympathy for you.

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