ISIS widow now on a high-priority terrorist ‘kill list’ – IOTW Report

ISIS widow now on a high-priority terrorist ‘kill list’

NY Post: A British punk rocker-turned-jihadi bride is quickly moving up the charts — of the Pentagon’s terrorist kill list, according to a report.

Sally Jones has recently become a “high priority” on the “kill list” of wanted terrorists, the Sunday Times of London reported.

Jones, 49, has been implicated in two horrific, but foiled, plots to spill the blood of innocent Americans.

The first was an attempt to live-stream the murder of a US veteran; the second was a plotted mass shooting at a North Carolina concert, the British newspaper reported.  read more

10 Comments on ISIS widow now on a high-priority terrorist ‘kill list’

  1. THIS! This is what makes America great! In America, federal employees for life offer jihadis entry tickets to kill Americans. And CAN NOT even be fired! let alone fired on! MURHICA!!!!!!

  2. I wish there was video taken when this bitch is cornered and told to surrender. I’ll bet she’s in such a hurry to get her hands up her hajib will fly off, coward that she is. Then she can be shot about 20 times while trying to escape. You have to wonder what’s wrong in her tiny mind that would turn her to this. I suppose her notoriety gave her power over other muslim women and respect from the men. Both of which would evaporate the moment Islam won a piece and then her services were no longer required. Then it’s back to covering up, making dinner for the men, obeying her male children, spreading her legs on demand and having no say and no rights. Frigging amazing.

  3. How horribly brainwashed or psychotic can one person be?
    I hope they bring her head back on a stake, just to mirror the barbaric ‘religion’ she’s not become a part of.

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