Harvard To Reintroduce Segregation To Its University – IOTW Report

Harvard To Reintroduce Segregation To Its University

Daily Wire-

In the name of progress, Harvard University will segregate graduation ceremonies based on race.

For real.

“Aside from studying and taking grueling tests, if you’re a minority, the outer pressures of society make the already challenging coursework even more difficult. Knowing this, Black members of the class of 2017 decided to form an individual ceremony. It’s the first of its kind at the school in recent memory and took nearly a year to plan,” reports BET. “The separate graduation is an effort to highlight the aforementioned struggles and resilience it takes to get through those.”

The Root similarly lamented how difficult college life can be for minorities: “The ceremony comes at a time when the experiences of Black students on college campuses in America have been marked by incidents of overt racism, microaggressions, passive racist comments, and the marginalization of minority experiences in both reading assignments and learning materials.”

The segregation will include only graduate students this year, but there are plans to expand such racial separation next year to all university students, including undergrads.

Michael Huggins, a Harvard graduate student who helped orchestrate the separate ceremonies, told The Root that the segregation “is not about segregation.”

“This is an opportunity to celebrate Harvard’s Black excellence and Black brilliance,” said Huggins. “It’s an event where we can see each other and our parents and family can see us as a collective, whole group. A community.


Too bad this college grad hasn’t figured out that whites will be having a separate graduation ceremony that will be highlighting White excellence and White brilliance, which is everything the civil rights movement fought against.

This is progress?

ht/ annie

25 Comments on Harvard To Reintroduce Segregation To Its University

  1. Black excellence. Not quite true excellence. A dumbed down excellence.
    Pssst. Mr. Or Ms. black excellence. Don’t bother applying to my company for a job. We are into true excellence.

  2. One other point. Wasn’t Barack obama once the editor of the Harvard Law Review? Can’t find his writings. Can’t find his grades. Is this the excellence we’re talking about?

    Man I am getting sick of these people.

    There is only so much of this bravo sierra one can take.

    I need the night off. Grrrrrr.

  3. Segregated graduation ceremonies are only the beginning – the possibilities are endless. Separate student cafeterias. Separate water fountains. Separate classrooms. A special black section at the back of the bus.

    Progressives and the Democrat party are finally returning to their roots – Jim Crow laws, segregation and discrimination. All the Harvard faculty has to do now is break out the special white robes and pointy hats for the commencement ceremony, and maybe decorate the commencement hall with burning crosses.

  4. When a black doctor comes into the examination room, my first thought is, is he a competent doctor, or did he get his degree through affirmative action? Affirmative action exacerbates racism.

  5. Hilarious for Affirmative Action admissions recipients and race-scholarship beneficiaries to proclaim their racially segregated Excellence.

    Be careful what you wish for.

  6. Next, we need to tell them they can’t have segregated schools.

    They’ll scream and demand segregated schools. We’ll reluctantly give in.

    After that, we tell them they can’t have segregated communities. Never. We’ll even cross our arms as we say it.

    They’ll scream and demand segregated communities. We’ll reluctantly give in.

    Next, we’ll tell them they can’t secede, and form their own nation.

    They’ll scream and demand to secede, and create their own nation. We’ll reluctantly give in, and build walls around it, and wait six months – and then we’ll go in and bury the all the skeletal remains of the dead and shoot the surviving cannibals.

    Then, we need to tell the hispanics *they* can’t have segregated schools . . . .

  7. There are no minorities in America, only Americans (exclude the illegals). Did not Martin Luther King Jr state over and over again that this country should uphold the Declaration of Independence premise that all men are created equal and should be treated as such!

  8. After they graduate from Harvard they will get a high-profile mid-six-figure salary job, doing absolutely nothing, at a prestigious law firm. Designated token. You know, like Michelle Robinson.

  9. Their FUCKING site has pop-ups that prevent me from reading their fucking posts. God damn how I hate a site like that and I have to ‘join’ in order to even tell them how much I hate their fucking site. FUCK THE FUCKING FUCKERS.

  10. Sorry MLK, there is nobody that is equal on the planet and even sometimes in opportunity that would seem to be the case, but in this country you can pursue your dreams and work hard and it might come true.
    Why drive a wedge between peoples? Wasn’t the last time around enough or do they want to be in the black section in front of the bus this time?

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