Middle school student suspended for ‘liking’ photo of gun on Instagram – IOTW Report

Middle school student suspended for ‘liking’ photo of gun on Instagram


An Edgewood Middle School student was handed a 10-day suspension for “liking” a picture of a gun on Instagram with the caption “ready.”

The parents of Zachary Bowlin posted a picture of the intended suspension notice which read, “The reason for the intended suspension is as follows: Liking a post on social media that indicated potential school violence.”

“I was livid, I mean, I’m sitting here thinking ‘you just suspended him for ten days for liking a picture of a gun on a social media site,” father Marty Bowlin said. “He never shared, he never commented, he never made a threatening post… anything on the site, just liked it.”

“I liked it, scrolling down Instagram at night about 7, 8 o’clock I liked it,” Zacahry said. “The next morning they called me down [to the office] patted me down and checked me for weapons.”

Since receiving the notice, the family said the school has dropped the suspension and there will be no repercussions for the child’s actions.

Friday morning an email went out to parents stating:

“Yesterday evening school officials were made aware to an alleged threat of a student bringing a gun to school. We act on any potential threat to student safety swiftly and with the utmost importance. This morning, the alleged threat was addressed and we can assure you that all students at Edgewood Middle School are safe and school will continue as normal. Thank you”

Below is the statement given to FOX19 NOW by Superintendent Russ Fussnecker:

“Concerning the recent social media posting of a gun with the caption “Ready”, and the liking of this post by another student, the policy at Edgewood City Schools reads as follows:

The Board has a “zero tolerance” of violent, disruptive, harassing, intimidating, bullying, or any other inappropriate behavior by its students. 

Furthermore, the policy states:  

Students are also subject to discipline as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct that occurs off school property when the misbehavior adversely affects the educational process.

As the Superintendent of the Edgewood City Schools, I assure you that any social media threat will be taken serious including those who “like” the post when it potentially endangers the health and safety of students or adversely affects the educational process.”

video here

ht/ KR

20 Comments on Middle school student suspended for ‘liking’ photo of gun on Instagram

  1. Admittedly I didn’t click on the link. I can only guess where this occurred. Don’t really care. It’s child abuse to raise your children there. Period. Get yourself and family elsewhere. Stat.

  2. A well designed educational process should always be under threat. Just like science, it’s never settled. Maybe schools should revert to slapping students with rulers, that was an educational process. Better yet, revert to an educational process that doesn’t involve my tax dollars.

  3. Since I haven’t done any social media stuff, I’m curious, how the hell does a school official know what he likes? Do kids have to give them access to their social media accounts?

  4. Appropriate to this post, I’m listening to Vladimir Vysotsky music from White Nights. I suggest this movie and The Lives of Others to those who want to make our awesome country into a commie paradise.

  5. If we’re going to continue to allow the fucking democrats to control the NEA, in fact, if we are going to allow the NEA to exist…..this is what we are going to get.

  6. As long as the Department of Educaaaaaa…..uhhhhh…Propaganda exists, and the NEA Union rides its coattails, it’s best to withdraw your child from the cesspool of iniquity and do homeschooling. It may not be to late to undo the damage.

  7. Sunshine and exposure are the best disinfectant for these Libtard “educators”. Notice how quickly the 10 day suspension was lifted after the father went public with the stoopidity. But the “school” still hid behind its rules and zero tolerance to excuse it’s Nanny State actions.

  8. “Sunshine and exposure are the best disinfectant for these Libtard “educators”.

    There’s a quicker way. Sit his ass 10 feet from a table with a handgun. 30 feet beyond that is a caged pissed off Grizzly Bear ready to be released at any moment. I hope he decides to die.

  9. 10 day suspension isn’t enough.
    His parents need to get him the fuck out of that “school” system.
    That level of indoctrination shouldn’t be allowed.
    The Thought Police are, apparently, rabid in Ohio – but then, John Kasich, the son of a Mailman, was Governor, wasn’t he?

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I would’ve been in big trouble back in the mid 60’s for doodling pictures of tanks and plane and soldiers with guns shooting and killing one another. It was the era of Combat on TV and great World War 2 movies like The Great Escape, The Longest Day etc. and I was a typical kid who loved that kinda stuff. And it was still early enough in The Vietnam war that doodling like that was not frowned upon yet until 1968 when everything changed with the false narrative about The Tet Offensive in Vietnam. I also loved all the history of World War 2 reading about it in books and old Life magazines, documentaries etc. Additionally I would’ve been secondarily in trouble because of all the car craze due to Ed “Big Daddy” Roth and rat finks etc. from that era, I could draw a mean a looking car back then.

  11. I quit Fakebook a couple of years ago because of these kind of things and opinions not being favorable in the eyes of the media and everyone scrutinizing my every word to see if it’s offensive or not. We need a conservative type of social media and I nominate IOTWR, any other takers.

  12. geoff; me too in aeronautics class, only it was jets in dogfights. The instructor was an old guy who liked to tell stories of his experiences and I’d draw cartoons of him and his exploits. Guys would crack up and I got called out a few times “would you like to share that with the class?” Nope never did, but man I can imagine what would happen now. I’d be in Leavenworth.

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