Teen arrested for recording girl hanging herself from tree – IOTW Report

Teen arrested for recording girl hanging herself from tree

NYP: A Utah teen was arrested Saturday in connection to the death of a 16-year-old girl found hanging from a tree.


Tyerell Joe Przybycien, 18, was charged with murder after confessing to investigators that he helped the girl kill herself and recorded the incident, the Desert News reported. [Deseret News]

He told officers he was “suicidal and wanted to watch the victim die to see if it was something he could go through with himself,” according to an affidavit.

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21 Comments on Teen arrested for recording girl hanging herself from tree

  1. We have an entire generation of uncaring, unfeeling, disconnected zombies more concerned with how many likes they’ll get on FB or YouTube.
    Just saw a doc where a girl was charged and pled down sentence, who filmed her ‘friend’ being raped live on Periscope. She was more devastated about the backlash she received on social media, oh, and her sentence too.

  2. Just a couple hours ago, where I live, a man hung himself high enough from a tree at a busy intersection so as to be visible to a large number of people. No other details from officials as yet, but apparently photos were captured by many and posted to fb, etc. Sick people are starved for attention.

  3. This is the antifa, Obama, Ohillary, Sanders generation. They riot, are constantly offended, spew, “White privilege”, “Cultural Appropriation” and are given worthless “best smile” awards to make them feel special!!

  4. I am so, so sorry for this young girl, who suffered so much that she felt that there was no other way out. She had no one, obviously, who was there to listen and care when things started going downhill. My heart hurts for her.

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