Representative from Michigan Struggles while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance – IOTW Report

Representative from Michigan Struggles while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance

“Obliberty,uhhhbliberty.. and justice for all.”- Brenda Lawrence

ht/ annie

17 Comments on Representative from Michigan Struggles while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Ashamed to say she’s from the next town over from me, although I tried to do what I could to prevent her election. It’s really amazing that Trump carried this state, since most people here love Big Government and Progressive/Communist/Dems.

  2. Even more proof that a Ham Sandwich not only can be indicted by a Grand Jury, but it can also be elected to Congress. She may be related to Maxine Waters, the original Ham Sandwich

  3. Embarrassing, particularly for those who voted for this socialist …. well wait, they probably don’t know the Pledge of Allegiance either, given many public schools do not recite it (you know its not inclusive, Nationalistic and wrought with white privilege).
    Lord, help this Nation.

  4. Just another DFN whose IQ is not quite as high as her shoe size. Sure says a lot about those who vote for these air headed numb skull racists. She’ll fit right in with Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Pelosi. Time for a seventh grade level spelling test before being able to run for office.

  5. How can this pig of a woman screw this up? I’m a Canadian and I knew this as most Canadians know your anthem (kind of a natural with all the hockey, baseball, soccer and basketball games played where the PA breaks down). I mean, geezuz it’s like only 30 words. Her lunch orders are bigger then that. Cut this one up and make sure it’s in an ad during the next election cycle. What a user.

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